Monday 25 November 2013

Hair transplant Surgery in Pakistan

Fue hair transplant in Pakistan Having beautiful hair and fuller hair is the dream of everyone. It is not only a beauty element but an element of good health and self image too.

When talking about show business and media, men there are very much conscious about the kind of skin they have, their makeup, hairstyle, fashion trends and looks. For example, take the case of Sahir Lodhi. The host and RJ has been famous for copying style and fashion trends of Shahrukh Khan. When it comes to maintaining a healthy and beautiful self image on screen, celebrities are more conscious. Take case of Adnan Sami who has lost oodles of weight to maintain his health and self media image.

Now coming to females in media, celebrities like Kareena, Raveena, Sonam Kapoor and Sonakshi have lost bundles of pounds to get into shape and proper size. Same applies to men who are conscious about their hair health and growth.Taking about Pakistan mainstream artists, many celebrities like Rahim Shah, Faysal Qureshi, Nauman Ejaz, Nabeel and Fakhir have gone through hair transplants. Having hair transplant has become a necessity these days. Apart from media and show business people, men and women from normal fields of life are also going for this surgical procedure.

Some students have also started going for this cosmetic procedure as the alopecia rate among teenagers of this generation is higher as compared to the older ones. The main reason is heavy study pressure, and lot of stress that causes alopecia among students. Also, these days in Pakistan, students work on a part time basis during their studies that gives them more stress. They are bothered about their study grades and part times jobs too. This also causes alopecia. Some students work in night shifts to support their families and hence face insomnia. Due to lack of night sleep, official stress, earning stress and other pressures, alopecia is caused.

Some hair transplant clinics in Pakistan may offer discounted packages for students and part time workers. Those who are working on full time basis may not have a budget issue for a hair transplant surgery. Also a student may need only 1000 grafts on his head. If he selects Rs. 60 per graft surgical procedure, then the total cost of surgery becomes 60,000. If he goes for a much cheaper graft cost like Rs. 50, then the cost drops to Rs. 50,000 only.

Bigger and heavier hair transplant procedures that are needed by people of older age may cost you more. At times the cost may exceed in lacs. Fue hair procedure is about three or four times more expensive as compared to normal strip incision but because of one linear donor scar, patients may not wish to go for Fue Hair transplant in Pakistan. Also, females aren’t ideal candidates for Fue since they have long hair and hairstyles. Only men who wish to keep their hair very short and pass a Fue Fox test are ideal patients for a Fue procedure.  Hair transplants have really revolutionized the world of fitness, beauty and fashion in Pakistan.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Non surgical hair replacement cost in Pakistan

The cost of all cosmetic surgeries and treatments is more than that of ordinary medical procedures. The reason for this is that they require a higher degree of skill and care since the patient’s outlook is at stake.
 As lifestyles of people are changing, everyone is becoming more aesthetically aware and wants to look better. Nowadays, it is possible to improve some asset that is God gifted and could not be previously changed. People turn to cosmetic treatments to make their appearance better and to feel good about themselves. The hair treatments available these days have been helping people recover from hair loss and gain the confidence and self esteem that thins out with thinning hair. There are several non surgical and surgical hair replacement methods available. Although, one can hardly call them a way to replace hair but since people see hair growing normally with regular usage, these treatments are referred to as hair replacement systems. The surgery for hair restoration is very expensive and while in countries like Pakistan it is affordable, in the western countries it is out of reach of normal people. The non surgical hair systems cost is extremely low when compared to the surgical method but the results are quite slow. A person has to follow daily routines of medication or lotion and medicine application. This often results in impatience among patients who either quit the treatment or become disappointed. The lifestyle of people today is very fast paced and it is often a disturbance to apply oily lotions and sit at home and if the patient goes out like that, he or she may not be able to perform well in their endeavors due to compromised looks. The appearance of a person, or the assurance that one is looking good is a big motivation for them and boosts their confidence. In case a person knows that she or he have lesser hair or are not looking very nice, their dealings at professional and personal level are adversely affected  The non surgical cost is different for the different treatments. The laser therapy costs around $2,000 for multiple sessions while the use of Propecia and Minoxidil is cheap. In the latter treatment, the person has to but a topical lotion from a chemist and this may cost as much as $30 per month. Compared to the cost of hair transplantation surgery, this is very low but people still prefer the surgical method. Why is that so? A person suffering from hair loss for a very long time becomes impatient to see results. If he turns to a surgery which might take years to reveal results, the person will definitely not be happy. We always want to see dramatic changes. If a person is losing weight, they want to see changes very soon and so is the case with hair loss treatment. The non surgical hair system cost in Pakistan might be an attraction for people who suffer from very minor hair loss issues. The fact that the non surgical treatments have to be incorporated in a person’s lifestyle and one cannot discontinue use ever, is a big demerit of the treatment. The non surgical hair system cost, if evaluated for a life time period might turn out to be more than that of hair transplant surgery, which is a one-time hassle and gives full results within a year. These results last a life time and are very natural. 
Hair transplant in Pakistan is performed by surgical and non surgical methods. Hair transplant cost in Pakistan seems high but when we compare prices on long term basis, then non surgical hair system is a permanent source of expenditure due to maintenance and other accessories.

Latest hair transplant technique in Pakistan Lahore

Hair transplant surgery serves the only permanent solution to people who suffer from baldness. It is preferred due to the natural results and the fact that it does not require long routines to be followed.

Latest technique for hair restoration is Fue hair transplant in Pakistan. It is performed without incision and stitches. It is a procedure in which hair is transferred from an area where the growth is normal, to an area where the hair is balding. The method was first carried out in the 1950s to help cover accidental hair gaps that were caused by burns or cuts. The transplanted hair grew normally and therefore this procedure became a cosmetic use and has been alleviating baldness issues. The result of the early methods were not very natural. Often these hair looked like doll’s hair, growing in clusters and the scalp also appeared to have an undulating surface. However, with research and practice, the results we see today are 100 percent natural and even a hair stylist cannot detect if a person ha gotten this surgery done. Currently, there are two methods that are being used. One is the strip harvest method, in which hair is removed in the form of a strip. This strip is cut out with the use of a sharp scalpel. Usually, the length of the stri is only about two to three inches and is taken from the back of the head. The wound of this removal is stitched up or stapled with surgical staples. However, this leaves behind a mark which can be easily covered by the growth of surrounding hair. The removed strip is then dissected into smaller units which are planted on the bald patch. This method is less laborious than the other method, called the follicular unit extraction (FUE) surgery. The strip harvest method is also less costly due to the degree of caution and lesser meticulous nature. The FUE method is more advanced and produces better results since the hair follicles are removed one by one. This ensures that there is no scar on the scalp and hence the finish is almost as if the person did not suffer from baldness at all. The latest technique for hair transplant in Pakistan therefore, is the FUE method which has been in use more than other methods. Although it costs more than the strip method, people prefer FUE due to the fine results and thick growth of hair. The FUE method cannot be performed by every surgeon since it requires a higher level of concentration and care. The surgeon who performs this has to be very experienced and must have an artistic hand as well. The final results of FUE surgery are dependent upon the surgeon’s expertise. The latest hair implantation technique costs more than the other methods due to its meticulous nature and the dependence of the final product on the surgeon. Like all cosmetic treatments the hair surgery is greatly the result of the surgeon’s work rather than the surgical instruments and clinical environment. Recently, a robotic device has been introduced that can conduct the FUE surgery in a lesser time span. The Neograft device uses a vacuum like motion to extract hair follicles and then efficiently plants them onto the recipient site. The use of this device has been seen in many countries where advanced medical services are available. It is human nature to depend more on human judgment than mechanical devices. This is the only reason that the people opting for this surgery still prefer a surgeon to carry out the procedure rather than the machine. Even so, the neograft device has been coming in use and gradually its popularity is increasing.
The latest technology for hair transplant in Pakistan  is the FUE surgery and neograft device. The surgery is extremely reliable since it produces very natural and long lasting results. Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is performed by experienced and expert surgeons.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

laser hair transplant in Pakistan is possible?

Men and women of all ages have been facing hair loss issues and therefore their last resort is to rely on various options that are available in order to restore their hair growth. One non-surgical method of hair treatment is the laser treatment. While there are many reasons for hair loss in men and women, the successful ways of eliminating this disorder are few. Laser hair transplant is the procedure in which photo therapy is used to reinvigorate hair follicles, resulting in hair growth. It is one of the earliest processes discovered to restore hair growth. Hair loss may be genetic or caused by a certain deficiency in people. 
Apart from this hair loss is also caused by some illness or after childbirth by women. Many people turn to different treatments, one of which is the laser hair transplant. The reason many people are reluctant to get any surgical or medicinal treatment. This is the reason that there are many patients who look out for laser therapists. Basically, laser treatment is used to stimulate hair growth through photo bio stimulation of hair follicles. As the number of clinics and hospitals offering this service are increasing, there is still some level of ambiguity about the level of safety and permanent benefits. This kind of treatment is available through hand-held devices which are focused onto the bald patches on the recipient’s scalp. Light from a laser has positive effect on the body when it is focused on a particular area keeping a specific wavelength of light. It is always best to consult an experienced doctor before undergoing any treatment and receiving laser treatment. Laser hair restoration always produces positive results and there are many doctors and technicians who offer this treatment in their clinics. Before any kind of treatment the patient must get an in depth analysis of what is causing hair loss and that which treatment will work best. The reason for hair loss must be properly uprooted by proper medication and then the treatment must be started. 
It is a reliable procedure since there is no use of chemicals or steroids which can prove harmful in the long run. The hair implant procedure has no side effects which are permanent. The only side effects are headache or swelling in the operated area. More than this, the patient can carry on with their life the way that they want since it does not need any recovery period. It is always advisable that a person suffering from hair loss must first get the reason of hair fall. Once the physician identifies the problem, the medicinal cure must be carried out. Once hair fall cause has been eliminated the person can get proper treatment. The non surgical methods such as massage oils and lotions cannot bring back the hair that have been lost therefore a treatment must be selected that can help regrow hair. Laser hair restoration can bring back the full hair look that many people desire. A person looking for a good surgeon for this treatment must look at all the choices before selecting a well reputed surgeon. The Internet is a good source for this research. The past patients’ testimonials and websites are a good source of judging the surgeon’s experience and repute. Once the surgeon has given an estimate on the amount of work and grafts needed for full coverage, the surgery can take place.
Laser hair transplant in Pakistan is performed by specialists and it is shifting hair from an area of good growth to an area of poor growth. Fuehair transplant in Pakistan is also another latest procedure for hair regrowth.

Hair Transplant Pakistan

Hair loss is a problem that has increased tremendously during recent years. Due to stressful lifestyle and increasing competition, people suffer baldness and due to an aesthetic weakness, they turn to the various treatments available. These treatments are usually non surgical due to reluctance certain people have towards surgery. However, the surgical method remains most popular due to its maximum and natural results. Hair transplantation is the only method which provides a solution for the baldness that has already occurred. There are numerous surgeons who are known for their skill and expertise in Pakistan. The cost of surgery in Pakistan is much less than the same in western developed countries and this is why people looking for a quality surgery turn to Pakistan.

The hard fact is that while hair surgery is founded in western developed countries, it is hard to find an experienced and skilled surgeon at low rates while in Pakistan; the overall cost of the treatment is much lesser. This is one of the reasons that account for a heavy influx of patients from around the world. This influx causes a large number of procedures to take place in every surgeon’s clinic and that is why their skills are further enhanced. There are many foreign qualified surgeons in Pakistan who cost much lesser than those in the west, while the results that they ensure are so natural that the transplantation surgery is not detectable from a distance. The basic methods of hair surgery are the strip method and the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method. Both these methods are practiced in Pakistan and the surgeons produce very natural results while the pain and side effects are negligible. Both the methods of hair surgery yield very few side effects such as headache, tightness on the scalp, redness and swelling.

These side effects usually subside in a day or two with the use of pain killers prescribed by the surgeon. The only side effect that worries patients is the shock loss, or hair loss due to the shock that body has gone through. This side effect may cause some patients to worry while it is absolutely normal and is experienced after all kinds of surgeries. Within a period of two to three months, the lost hair is recovered and the patient experiences full hair growth within a year’s time. The surgeons in Pakistan are known for their amicable disposition due to which the patients feel comfortable and free to ask any sort of questions. The surgeons also clear all kinds of ambiguities and prepares the patient for the end result. The patients are always recommended that they should do some basic research about the various surgeons, their reputation and the cost at which they perform surgeries. Once the most suitable surgeon is chosen, an initial consultation is made. The surgery is done under the effect of local anesthesia, therefore it is a simple procedure for the patient. The surgeon’s expertise can maximize the results by giving a flawless natural look. Hair transplant in Pakistan is a reliable procedure which produces excellent results.

  Hair transplant in Pakistan is famous due to its low cost and high quality of results. The surgeons of Pakistan are most experienced due to a heavy influx of patients from all over the world.Average hair transplant cost in Pakistan ranges 1500$-3000$ however it may decrease or increase slightly.

Monday 16 September 2013

Hair Transplant Video Learning For Patients

These days all hair transplant surgeons and clinics maintain websites from where patients can gather information about the procedure. It is very helpful for patients to watch hair restoration videos in order to decide whether they are ready for procedure or not.
Hair implant is a surgery that involves shifting hair from an area of good growth to an area of poor growth. This is done under the effect of local anesthesia and is rather easy for a patient while the surgeon needs to exercise a lot of skill and care. The websites of some clinics maintain websites where a potential patient can find past patients’ testimonials to understand the results of surgery. The  videos posted on these sites are a helpful resource which can help candidates see and observe what the surgery will be like. In case a candidate is reluctant or has any ambiguity concerning surgery, the  video is a good watch to clear out such misunderstandings. Hair loss surgery is done in two ways; the strip method and the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method.
The strip method involves removal of a strip of hair from an area of good density of hair, which is usually found at the back of the head and planting it on the bald area after dissecting it into smaller units. The FUE method involves extracting hair follicles from a good hairy area and then planting them one by one on the bald area. FUE method is more technical due to the manual work required and the results produced. Watching a video of any surgeon can help the candidate understand what really happens during the procedure. This will also help the surgeon explain his patients what kind of a surgery it really is. The video in itself is also a testimonial since it is a live proof that the surgeon is skilled and can perform a quality procedure. Not all surgeons can perform the FUE method properly due to the observation and care needed for it. Candidates prefer FUE method due to the natural results that are produced by the plantation of individual hair follicles which is not produced by planting units of hair strip.
The doctor has to observe the natural pattern of hair growth, gaps between each hair follicle and the direction of these hairs to ensure a 100 percent natural look. Usually, doctors take photographs of their patients before and after the procedure to be able to see what kind of a change has been brought about by the procedure. These pictures can show the patient directly what the difference of hair growth looks like. However, the procedure steps must also be clearly known to the patient in order to be able to keep a realistic approach about end results. Th video serves the same purpose and helps the patient make a final decision concerning the surgeon. The FUE hair transplant candidate must first of all look for a good surgeon, well-reputed for his skills and once the surgeon is chosen, he observes the candidate’s scalp to assess the reasons of baldness and then decides the number of grafts needed to cover the bald patch.
The patient is briefed about the results and is prepared with what to expect from the surgery. Once all factors have been discussed the patient is prepared for the surgery. The scalp is washed thoroughly before the surgery in order to remove any residue on the scalp. This ensures a smooth procedure and a better result due to the clean follicles extracted. Once the surgery is underway, the patient is given local anesthesia and the transplant is started. The video is taped with the consent of the patient and all the procedural steps are recorded so that the patient can understand and feel comfortable.
Hair transplant in Pakistan video is usually posted on websites of surgeons or clinics to help patients understand the surgical steps. This also clears the patient’s mind about all the ambiguities and discomforts concerning hair transplantation surgery.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Hair Transplant Video Learning For Patients

Hair transplant in Pakistan is being done by naturally growing hair and artificial hair replacement. Pakistan is popular for hair treatments due to experienced surgeons providing surgery at lower cost. Some surgeons may use artificial hair for replacement while others use the patient’s own hair.

Hair loss is a problem faced by many people today. Hair treatments of all kinds are being provided worldwide however, most popular and result yielding is the hair transplant in Pakistan. In Pakistan, there are several A-class surgeons who provide the most natural results at a low price. The procedure is basically a method of transporting hair from an area of good growth to an area where poor or no hair growth is found. However, there are some treatments that involve the use of artificial hair while surgical hair replacement is done by using the person’s own hair. The advantages of using the patient’s own hair are many, such as the look is always natural. There is no hassle of matching the color and texture of hair and the natural hair pick up nutrition from the capillaries in the scalp and grow normally. In use of nylon hair, the hair not only looks unnatural but also cannot grow and therefore the person has to keep going back to the surgeon for replacement. The natural look is always and only maintained by using real hair instead of nylon fiber since the nylon fiber loses its shine and becomes difficult to manage for the patient. The surgeons in Pakistan are known for providing good results and most of them use the natural hairs. The method that involves the usage of nylon hairs is called the hairpiece attachment method. In this method, the patient’s head is shaved from the area where the hairpiece has to be attached. After shaving, the hairpiece is glued on to the scalp and the patient appears to have a full covered head. This method is also very famous and is economical when compared to hair implantation. Although it is not transplantation but many people consider it the same. The hairpiece is a patch of permeable membrane on which hairs made out of nylon are attached.

Good quality adhesives are used to stick the patch to the scalp and this provides a good cover for the bald patch. However, a big disadvantage or demerit of this treatment is that the scalp feels itchy beneath the patch and as the few hairs growing in this region grow in length, they need to be shaved again. For this purpose, the patient needs to keep visiting the clinic on a regular basis. The surgeons and doctors who offer the hairpiece are very experienced and they create the nylon strands which are most similar to the rest of the hair on the scalp. There are many famous personalities in Pakistan who have gotten the hair piece treatment, like the transplant surgery it also ensures quick and complete look. If compared to hair restoration surgery, the hair piece and nylon hairs are not a good method due to the discomfort and unnatural close look of the finish, however, the cost and reduced care attracts a large number of people to opt for this procedure. In case of a change of hairstyle or color, the patient has to consult his practitioner so that either a new hair patch is arranged or the existing hair patch is adjusted according to the new look. Despite all these advantages, the finish and maintenance of the hair piece is much more than a hair plant and on top of that, the unnatural hairs make a person’s looks compromised.

Nylon hair transplant in Pakistan is in reality a hair piece attachment which people often confuse to be a surgical hair transplant.  In reality, a natural hair restoration has to be done with real hair and Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is a latest technology