Tuesday 8 October 2013

Non surgical hair replacement cost in Pakistan

The cost of all cosmetic surgeries and treatments is more than that of ordinary medical procedures. The reason for this is that they require a higher degree of skill and care since the patient’s outlook is at stake.
 As lifestyles of people are changing, everyone is becoming more aesthetically aware and wants to look better. Nowadays, it is possible to improve some asset that is God gifted and could not be previously changed. People turn to cosmetic treatments to make their appearance better and to feel good about themselves. The hair treatments available these days have been helping people recover from hair loss and gain the confidence and self esteem that thins out with thinning hair. There are several non surgical and surgical hair replacement methods available. Although, one can hardly call them a way to replace hair but since people see hair growing normally with regular usage, these treatments are referred to as hair replacement systems. The surgery for hair restoration is very expensive and while in countries like Pakistan it is affordable, in the western countries it is out of reach of normal people. The non surgical hair systems cost is extremely low when compared to the surgical method but the results are quite slow. A person has to follow daily routines of medication or lotion and medicine application. This often results in impatience among patients who either quit the treatment or become disappointed. The lifestyle of people today is very fast paced and it is often a disturbance to apply oily lotions and sit at home and if the patient goes out like that, he or she may not be able to perform well in their endeavors due to compromised looks. The appearance of a person, or the assurance that one is looking good is a big motivation for them and boosts their confidence. In case a person knows that she or he have lesser hair or are not looking very nice, their dealings at professional and personal level are adversely affected  The non surgical cost is different for the different treatments. The laser therapy costs around $2,000 for multiple sessions while the use of Propecia and Minoxidil is cheap. In the latter treatment, the person has to but a topical lotion from a chemist and this may cost as much as $30 per month. Compared to the cost of hair transplantation surgery, this is very low but people still prefer the surgical method. Why is that so? A person suffering from hair loss for a very long time becomes impatient to see results. If he turns to a surgery which might take years to reveal results, the person will definitely not be happy. We always want to see dramatic changes. If a person is losing weight, they want to see changes very soon and so is the case with hair loss treatment. The non surgical hair system cost in Pakistan might be an attraction for people who suffer from very minor hair loss issues. The fact that the non surgical treatments have to be incorporated in a person’s lifestyle and one cannot discontinue use ever, is a big demerit of the treatment. The non surgical hair system cost, if evaluated for a life time period might turn out to be more than that of hair transplant surgery, which is a one-time hassle and gives full results within a year. These results last a life time and are very natural. 
Hair transplant in Pakistan is performed by surgical and non surgical methods. Hair transplant cost in Pakistan seems high but when we compare prices on long term basis, then non surgical hair system is a permanent source of expenditure due to maintenance and other accessories.

Latest hair transplant technique in Pakistan Lahore

Hair transplant surgery serves the only permanent solution to people who suffer from baldness. It is preferred due to the natural results and the fact that it does not require long routines to be followed.

Latest technique for hair restoration is Fue hair transplant in Pakistan. It is performed without incision and stitches. It is a procedure in which hair is transferred from an area where the growth is normal, to an area where the hair is balding. The method was first carried out in the 1950s to help cover accidental hair gaps that were caused by burns or cuts. The transplanted hair grew normally and therefore this procedure became a cosmetic use and has been alleviating baldness issues. The result of the early methods were not very natural. Often these hair looked like doll’s hair, growing in clusters and the scalp also appeared to have an undulating surface. However, with research and practice, the results we see today are 100 percent natural and even a hair stylist cannot detect if a person ha gotten this surgery done. Currently, there are two methods that are being used. One is the strip harvest method, in which hair is removed in the form of a strip. This strip is cut out with the use of a sharp scalpel. Usually, the length of the stri is only about two to three inches and is taken from the back of the head. The wound of this removal is stitched up or stapled with surgical staples. However, this leaves behind a mark which can be easily covered by the growth of surrounding hair. The removed strip is then dissected into smaller units which are planted on the bald patch. This method is less laborious than the other method, called the follicular unit extraction (FUE) surgery. The strip harvest method is also less costly due to the degree of caution and lesser meticulous nature. The FUE method is more advanced and produces better results since the hair follicles are removed one by one. This ensures that there is no scar on the scalp and hence the finish is almost as if the person did not suffer from baldness at all. The latest technique for hair transplant in Pakistan therefore, is the FUE method which has been in use more than other methods. Although it costs more than the strip method, people prefer FUE due to the fine results and thick growth of hair. The FUE method cannot be performed by every surgeon since it requires a higher level of concentration and care. The surgeon who performs this has to be very experienced and must have an artistic hand as well. The final results of FUE surgery are dependent upon the surgeon’s expertise. The latest hair implantation technique costs more than the other methods due to its meticulous nature and the dependence of the final product on the surgeon. Like all cosmetic treatments the hair surgery is greatly the result of the surgeon’s work rather than the surgical instruments and clinical environment. Recently, a robotic device has been introduced that can conduct the FUE surgery in a lesser time span. The Neograft device uses a vacuum like motion to extract hair follicles and then efficiently plants them onto the recipient site. The use of this device has been seen in many countries where advanced medical services are available. It is human nature to depend more on human judgment than mechanical devices. This is the only reason that the people opting for this surgery still prefer a surgeon to carry out the procedure rather than the machine. Even so, the neograft device has been coming in use and gradually its popularity is increasing.
The latest technology for hair transplant in Pakistan  is the FUE surgery and neograft device. The surgery is extremely reliable since it produces very natural and long lasting results. Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is performed by experienced and expert surgeons.