Friday 28 December 2012

Hair implantation a permanent method of hair restoration

Dense, thick and healthy hairs are associated with youth and revival. People that are suffering from baldness and partial hair loss are always in search of such treatment that can restore their hairs back on the scalp. Some of them go for medicinal treatment such as Finasteride and Minoxidil. Medicinal and herbal treatments show their results after a very long time. In these days people usually go for hair implantation so that they can restore their hairs within a few months. This treatment uses hair follicles that contain on two four hair follicular units. In implantation surgery, hair follicles are replaced from the one portion of the scalp to another. It is also known as hair transplant or hair restoration surgery. When it comes to history, hair transplant or implant has its origins in Japan where in 1930s, a Japanese transplant surgeon had successfully transplanted the bald eyebrows of his patient. Due to the effects of world war two, no further research could be taken in this field. In 1950, an American Dermatologist Norman Orentreich was the first who successfully implanted the hairs on the bald scalp of a patient suffering from male pattern baldness. It took further thirty years for hair surgeons to create small hair grafts for implantation treatments. Traditional surgical method of hair implant became available in clinics and hospitals during late eighties. In early 2000s, follicular unit extraction became the latest implantation method.

To provide hair implantation to the patients, first of all a surgeon carefully examine the scalp of the patient. He suggests the best method of implant to him according to his needs and demands. There are two hair implant methods accessible these days. One is follicular unit transplant (FUT) and the other is follicular unit extraction (FUE). Surgeon also advises several pre operative suggestions to the patients. so that he can get the best results after the treatment. In most cases, use of alcohol, caffeine and smoking is prohibited to the patients several weeks before the surgery. During actual surgery, local anesthesia is injected to the scalp of patients by using either method of implant. This anesthesia lasts for up to six hours. Then, patient’s scalp is washed through a shampoo containing antibacterial agents.

In traditional strip surgical (FUT) method, hair follicles are obtained through using a thin strip. This strip helps in extracting the hair follicles at once. After the surgeon removes follicles from the donor area of the scalp, he placed them under a binocular microscope. Donor area in FUT is usually back and sides of the scalp. Under the microscope, extracted follicles are separated from each other by a surgeon or expert member of his team. It is also necessary to lean the hair follicles from their neighboring tissues. In case of FUE hair transplant Pakistan and other countries, hair follicles are harvested from the scalp one at a time. A small punch like instrument is used to make incisions around each follicle to separate them from its surroundings. Surgeon use small forceps to pull out each follicle once they got separated. The creation of recipient’s sites follows the same process in FUT and FUE. A hollow needle is used to make tiny holes in recipient area of the scalp. Once the holes are created, hair grafts are placed in a proper direction. If patients have gone through FUT implant, the recovery time is no more than twenty one days. In case of FUE, recovery time is only one day. Post operative cares are also recommended to patients so they can get the best and high quality results after their implant. Some patients can also get certain side-effects, but most of them are temporary.

Hair Implantation is a very much trusted procedure and it needs from four thousand to thirty thousand dollars to get the treatment. But hair transplant in Pakistan can be done in the range of one to three thousand dollars. The cost is also not covered under any health insurance.

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