Thursday 3 January 2013

Hair replacement transplant in Pakistan

There are many treatments that are used by patients suffering from partial hair loss and permanent baldness. They want to restore their hairs back on the scalp within a short time period. From centuries, baldness is considered a curse for a man or women. Many home remedies and various herbal treatments are used to prevent hair fall or baldness. Latest medical technology has also discovered some medicines that can give the hairs back. But usually these all treatments need a long time to show their results. Hair replacement is a new procedure invented by medical experts. It is also known as hair transplantation. This method gives the permanent and everlasting treatment of hair loss problems. In this surgical treatment, hair follicles are being used to provide hair loss solutions to the patients. Hair follicle is a unit that contains one to four hairs. These follicles are obtained from the healthy hair portion of the scalp and transplanted to the bald or hairless areas.

When it comes to the history, we can find that this surgical hair replacement treatment was invented in Japan. In late 1930s, a Japanese dermatologist discovered the treatment when he transplanted the eyebrow hair of one of his patients. Unfortunately due to hazards and affects of world war two, no significant work could be done on this revolution for more twenty years. In 1950s, an American dermatologist again studied the field of transplantation. He was the first surgeon in history who successfully transplanted and replaced scalp hairs of his patient. This patient was suffering from androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. So initially the treatment was associated with the people who are suffering from genetic hair fall conditions. At that time implanted hairs looked very unnatural that people did not like this discovery. They preferred hair re growth medicines over these surgeries. Medical experts took more thirty years to invent small grafts. In 1970s, they were successful in getting micro grafts to perform follicular unit transplant. The treatment started getting worldwide recognition. With invention of follicular unit extraction, it becomes the priority of the bald and hairless patients to get a surgical replacement for their bald scalp.Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is successfully carried by hair restoration surgeons

In the actual procedure, local anesthesia is given to the patients before the surgery. This anesthesia can last for up to seven hours. After that surgeon start cutting hairs from the back of the scalp, if patient is going for traditional strip surgical treatment. A thin strip is used to remove a flesh of scalp from the donor area. After the extraction, wounds in donor area are stitched or stapled by the surgeon. On the other side, hair follicles are being extracted from the strip of flesh by placing it under a microscope. When these follicles are separated from each other and surrounding tissues, surgeon creates recipient sites in the hairless regions of the scalp. A needle like device is used to make small cuts on the recipient areas. Harvested follicles are later transplanted into these holes where they re grow into healthy hairs. If the patient is going for newer method of hair transplantation, surgeon obtains hair follicles from the scalp one at a time. A punch like instruments is used to separate each follicle from its nearby tissues. Once they get separated, they are pulled out by the surgeon. Creation of recipient sites follows the same procedure as in traditional method. No linear wound or scalp is there on the scalp. Tiny white scare remains on donor area for the lifetime of the patient. Patients are advised to follow many pre and post operative conditions that are advised by the surgeon if they want to get healthy hairs.

There are many side-effects that can occur after Hair Replacement. These include itchiness, redness, swelling, infection, pain and discomfort. Patients should take care of their scalp after the treatment. Price of the procedure is another major deciding factor; however hair transplant cost in Pakistan easily affordable.

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