Monday 28 January 2013

Latest hair transplant in Pakistan

Hair transplant is a preferred method to regain hairs back on the scalp. In Pakistan, you can find latest hair restoration surgeries in a fewer clinics. These surgeries can help patients in getting an accurate treatment. You can search about them from the internet or your friends.

Hair transplant is surgical method of hair restoration that has got a significant popularity in last decade. This treatment is helpful for those who want to get permanent treatment of their baldness. Hair restoration surgeries are available all over the world including both developed and developing countries. Pakistan is one of those countries where you can find many hair restoration clinics in fall big cities offering hair restoration surgeries to the patients. With the passage of time, patients want to get new and more effective hair transplant surgeries. There are basically two hair loss surgical treatments available these days. One is traditional strip surgical method that involves extraction of hair follicles from the scalp with help of a thin metallic strip. The second one is newer method that is known as follicular unit extraction. In this method, hair follicles are obtained individually from the donor area of the scalp. Now there are latest techniques that are involved in performing FUE. These are also offered in different hair clinic of the county.

Robotic devices were introduced during the annual meeting of International Hair Restoration Societies during the year 2007 and 2008. These were invented to assist the surgeon during the surgical treatment of the patients. These devices gained popularity because they can help in performing FUE with accuracy. ARTAS system was introduced in the year 20001 to treat the patients suffering from male pattern baldness or other form of hair loss. It is a robotic arm that helps in providing the follicular unit extraction treatment to a patient. It helps the surgeon in obtaining hair follicles with low chances of transection during the procedure.  With help of this machine, hair follicles are harvested randomly from the different areas of the donor area, so that the scars can be well hidden after the treatment. You can find this Fue hair transplant in Pakistan, but in a very few clinics. Lahore is one of those cities that have this new machinery in some of its hair loss treatment clinics. Another latest hair loss treatment is also found in Lahore that is known as Neograft. It is a robotic devise that also assist surgeon during the FUE treatment. A suction based device is used that is partially automated. A sharp punch is attached to the suction unit of the device that helps in removing hair follicles from their surroundings. The follicles are entered into a small chamber through a tube after their extraction. This machine also helps in creating recipient’s sites on the patient’s scalp. This machine is also available in a few hair clinics of the country.

The newer procedures of hair regrowth surgeries are not commonly available in Pakistan. These treatments are found only in a few clinics that have advanced technologies and instruments. Patients who want to get the treatment have to search about these clinics in the country. They can take help from internet. They can search form various hair loss and hair treatment forums. They can ask it from different members of these forums about these newer devices. Most of the surgeons or clinics having advance hair technologies advertise their services on print and electronic media. These advertisements can also help patients who are seeking these treatments form the country. Social media is also a good source to find about such clinics that are using the newer devices for hair regrowth. You can also ask from your friends or relatives that have gone through any transplant surgery. They can also guide the patients in finding the latest hair surgery procedures from the country. IT is important to visit the clinic and surgeon before going for these new treatments.

Latest procedure is Fue Hair Transplant in Pakistan, least invasive in nature as compared to the older hair restoration surgeries. It is advised to patients that they go to a renowned surgeon for their treatment.

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