Thursday 18 July 2013

Get treatment from Specialist Clinic - Hair transplant in Pakistan

Hair Transplant in Pakistan methods are becoming popular and are needed by a greater number of people suffering from hair loss. In this day and age, stress and fast pace of life cause hair fall in more individuals. Due to the aesthetic importance of hair, people have no other solution but to turn to hair restoration treatments in order to look and feel better. The surgical method of hair restoration is the hair restoration surgery. This is the most effective method as it covers the damage that has been done already, instead of just stopping further hair fall. The patient can easily look for a good surgeon over the Internet. During recent years, Pakistan has become a popular choice among people due to its low cost and excellent results.

There is a heavy influx of patients in Pakistan, and this enhances the experience of surgeons there; making them more sought after. The hair restoration surgery is generally an expensive procedure, costing between $3,000 and $10,000. The same methods are used to transplant hair in Pakistan but the cost is as low as Rs70,000 to Rs200,000. This is as low as $2000. The patients can travel and look for accommodation and still pay less than they have to pay for the surgery only in the west. The results of surgeries performed in Pakistan are extremely natural and everlasting, hence making it more popular than western countries. The surgeons often roll out schemes to offer discounts and reduce their rates, which is good news for all patients. These schemes are offered in order to create a sense of healthy competition and to provide relief to people who genuinely desire a good hair surgery.

Hair Transplant in PakistanHair implant surgeries were initially done in the early 1950s. They were done to conceal accidental scars or to cover a gap in hair growth resulting from burns or birth deformities. Due to the success of this procedure, surgeons started practicing it for cosmetic surgeries and aesthetic enhancements. For men as well as women, hair transplants prove to be a permanent cure for baldness. There are several hair clinics and surgeons who offer the best services in Pakistan. There are two basic ways of hair loss surgery. One is the Strip harvest method, which involves the removal of hair in a strip that is usually taken from the back of the head since there is good hair growth there. The place from where hair is extracted is called the donor site. Once the strip is removed, the wound on the donor site is stapled using surgical staples and this leaves a scar at the back of the head. This strip is then divided into smaller units and then planted on the bald patch.

This method is not as expensive as the other type of hair transplant surgery, called the Follicular nit Extraction (FUE). FUE involves removal of individual hair follicles and then these are planted on the bald patch. FUE requires careful skill and good judgment on the surgeon’s part since he has to observe the right hair pattern and then plant the new follicles in that pattern so as to ensure natural results. The FUE method is much more expensive than strip method since it involves a lot of care and skill. Apart from experience, the surgeon doing this procedure must have an artistic hand to ensure pleasant appearance after surgery. Both the methods are successful but since there are no scars left after FUE, people prefer it more than strip method.

Hair transplant cost in Pakistan is most cost effective since the results are very natural and everlasting. Hair transplant in Pakistan is calculated on the basis of number of grafts or roots.

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