Thursday 20 December 2012

FUE hair transplant cost in Pakistan

Pakistan has many cities that are providing FUE surgery to the patients affected from baldness. FUE hair transplant in Pakistan is expensive than FUT in Pakistan, but it is affordable as compared to the price charged in developed countries. FUE or follicular unit extraction is the latest emerged method of hair transplantation that was introduced in hair transplant clinics since early 2000s. This method gain popularity than traditional strip surgery method within a few years. The reason is that less pain, bleeding and scarring is involved in this method than strip surgery. In this technique of hair transplant, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area of the scalp by the surgeon once t a time. This makes this procedure a bit longer and complicated. FUE is available in all developed and many developing countries of the world including Pakistan. This treatment can be found in leading transplant clinics of Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi in Pakistan. Transplant cost is affordable and economical in all over the Pakistan. Traditional surgery or follicular unit transplant is less costly than FUE in transplant clinics of Pakistan. The price of FUE is as twice as FUT like other countries of the world. But this price is significantly less than that charged in transplant clinics of the United States, United Kingdom and Arab Emirates. Due to this, people from developed countries of the world came here to get the FUE treatment in Pakistan. In this way, they can save their up to eighty percent costs on FUE that they need to pay in their home land. Average rate of a single FUE graft is eight dollars in these developed countries. In Pakistan this cost one and half dollar per FUE graft. Patients suffering from baldness from different countries acquire a health visa and came here to get a low cost FUE treatment, but with good quality results. Despite low costs, clinics are equipped with latest instruments and experienced FUE surgeons are there to operate patients. They only need to pay for hotel and travel expense along with FUE treatment fees.

FUE hair transplant cost in Pakistan is estimated with the help of the number of grafts required by patients. A single FUE graft cost ranges from on e hundred and twenty Pakistani Rupees to one hundred and forty five Pakistan Rupees. This cost of a single graft is multiplied with the total number of FUE grafts needed by a patient. So the costs of FUE treatment vary from one person to another. This depends upon the severity of hair loss and stage of baldness that how much grafts a patient needed for FUE transplant. Those who needed more grafts definitely have to pay much money for FUE treatment than those who require only FUE grafts. Another importance factor is that the number of sessions that are required to complete FUE treatment. A FUE surgeon can harvest and transplant up to six hundred grafts in a single session that is no longer than eight hours. The patients who need more FUE grafts also have to go for multiple sessions and that make their FUE treatment expensive. Some FUE clinics in Pakistan use the robotic devices during the treatment. These clinics also charge a high price than others because they are offering latest technologies. When you have estimated about FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Pakistan, you should find out a good transplant surgeon for your FUE surgery. You need to check before and after photos of his previously treated patients.

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