Wednesday 19 December 2012

Hair Transplant in Pakistan Cost

Hair transplant is considered the last and best treatment for hair loss. When people used every medical therapy and failed to restore their hair, the ultimate option for them is surgery.  Hair loss could be caused by various reasons and if it is permanent, the ideal solution is surgical and it is permanent solution. Male pattern baldness is the common kind of baldness that people face and it could be successfully treated. However if a person is suffering from Alopecia Total is or Alopecia Universals then the treatment is not possible because in these two kinds person losses all his hair and for hair transplantation, a donor area is required to donate hair follicles for the scalp. Male or female hair loss pattern is called Alopecia Aerate. In this situation a person is tend to lose hair in the form of patches anywhere on scalp and females are naturally safe from baldness, they go through the thinning of hair all over the scalp. Both are treated with guarantee.

Pakistan is not behind in any medical technology that is used in the progressed world. There are many foreign qualified doctors working in different parts of the country and they are running high end clinics where the best treatments are conducted and hair restoration surgeries are performed with highly competent staff. Getting hair transplant in Pakistan has one biggest advantage and that is the low cost of the surgery. When we compare the charges of treatment in Pakistan with rest of the world, they are minimal and there is no compromise done on the quality of the surgery. If you get your hair restoration from USA, UK or Europe, the surgery would cost you 6000- 8000 Euros. However, the cost here is many times lesser than that. If you chose FUE hair transplant, one hair graft costs you 125 Rs, which is very reasonable. There could be approximately 4500 hair grafts transplanted with this technique. In this technique one hair follicle is extracted from the donor area and re-planted. There is no incision given and it is the least invasive method that is used. There is no scar left after the surgery rather it has tendency to cover any previous scar on your scalp if you had gone through any surgical treatment. It can give you the most natural looking and dense hair without any detection.

FUT is another method that is used for planting hair. This is cheaper solution for getting rid of baldness. It leaves a linear scar after the procedure because for conducting this method an incision is given at the back of the head to remove a strip of hairs. These hair follicles are re-inserted after dissecting them. And the incision is closed by giving stitches. Both procedures are safe and they are done after injecting local anesthesia to the scalp. Due to this it is pain free and patient is awake and comfortable during the procedure. This method would cost 60 RS per graft. The drawback of this technique is that it is invasive and it gives numbness to the scalp. The cost of the procedure is a major deciding factor as everyone has to plan his budget. Hair transplant in Pakistancost is almost 70% less as compared to France and UK clinics.

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