Tuesday 29 January 2013

Hair thinning in men and women - treatment in Pakistan

Hairs are an essential part of human body that enhances their beauty. Hair loss and hair shedding can cause hair thinning in men and women. Various causes are there which can contribute to this hair problem. After identifying the cause, it is important to get treatment.

Hair thinning is a condition where a patient suffers from frequent hair falling that exceeds the normal amount of hundred. It can lead to partial hair loss and permanent baldness in some cases. Man and woman both experience the plight of hair thinning due to certain causes and reasons. We all are living in a century that has vigorous demands. In this busy time, no one has to take care of his beauty because many products are available in market for skin and hair care. So when a person notices hair thinning, it is often too late. He or she has to visit dermatologist to discuss about the problem of hair loss. Hair thinning has affect on every one personality in many ways. It is important to read about the causes when you are suffering from this problem. The main reason of hair fall is due to genetic reasons and it is known as androgenic alopecia or in common words male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. In male pattern baldness, hair follicles are deteriorated and destroyed by DHT hormones present in body. When men reached at puberty level, they start getting this problem. Its counterpart is known as female pattern baldness, androgen is responsible for causing this problem. Gradually hair thinning start due to frequent hair shedding and a patient can get bald in a few years. Other important reason of hair thinning is stress and depression. After some time of stressful events, a person can suffer from hair fall. In women, pregnancy, use of certain hormonal balance therapies and contraceptive pill makes the hairs fall.

There are many treatment of hair thinning are available. In these treatments, some of herbal medicine and home remedies are being used from the centuries. It is advised that patients should use balance diet and they adopt a healthy lifestyle. If the hair fall is due to some underlying disease, then dermatologist or physician will recommend a medicine to treat that problem. As a result, patient will get rid of hair loss problem. In some cases, use of some medicines and treatments are cause of hair thinning. Once the use of such medications is stopped, hair loss is diminished from the scalp and patients have new hair growth.  In medicinal treatment of hair thinning, two medicines are used that are approved by the FDA. Minoxidil is a foam or lotion that is used to rub on the affected area of the scalp that is suffering from hair thinning. After a few months, patients can notice that hairs are re growing in the bald areas. Another medicine that is known as Finasteride is used to block the DHT hormonal levels that are a cause of male pattern baldness. This medicine also helps in getting hair back on the scalp. In surgical treatments, scalp reduction is used that removes the bald area of the scalp through surgery. In these days, hair transplant surgeries to get hair restoration are available and getting popularity because of their permanency.

Hair Transplantation is the permanent and effective way to get hairs back that are lost due to Hair Thinning. The other medicines can be effective, but once their use is discontinued patients can get the hair loss problem again.

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