Tuesday 29 January 2013

New techniques of hair Transplant Surgery in Pakistan

There are both surgical and non surgical solutions of hair loss available in Pakistan. You can also get the latest treatments for your hair loss and baldness problems from the country. It is important that you should make research about these treatments with help of internet or by visiting them.

Hair loss is a problem that can lead to permanent baldness in men and women. This problem is commonly found all around the globe. You can find many people in daily life that are suffering from baldness and want to get rid of this problem. From the years, medial experts are busy in finding the new solutions to treat hair loss and baldness. Pakistan is a country where you can find thousands affected by the hair loss problems every year. You can also find many surgical and non surgical treatments in the country that can help hair loss patients.
There are new techniques and methods of hair restoration now available all over the country. You can go for hair transplant surgeries that are the most effective treatment of hair loss these days. Hair transplant Pakistan was introduced in late 1990s. At that time only follicular unit transplant was obtainable from different hair clinics of the country. In this method, hair follicles are extracted from the scalp with help of a strip. Once this strip is extracted from the scalp, the donor area is stitched by the surgeon. The obtained follicles are dissected under a Stereo microscope where they also get separated form each other. This treatment is commonly available in country.

The newer method known as follicular unit extraction was introduced in the country a few years before. This is also the latest hair transplantation treatment available in the world. This method helps in minimize the scarring, pain and discomfort during the surgery. In this treatment, hair follicles are extracted from the scalp once at a time. Surgeons use a punch like instruments to separate each follicle from its surrounding. Later, it is pulled out from the scalp with the help of forceps. This method is only available in leading transplant clinics of the country. With advancement of medical technology, now robotic devices are there in market that helps surgeon to perform FUE surgery accurately. These devices are found in a few hair restoration clinics of the Pakistan. These devices help in performing an accurate and precise transplant surgery. ARTAS system is one of these robotic devices. This helps in extracting the hair follicles from the scalp. It was introduced in transplant industry in the year 2011. You can find this device only in some clinics of the Lahore. Neograft is another robotic machine that operates on a suction based system. It helps in extracting the follicles with help of its suction tube. It also helps the surgeon in making recipient sites in the bald areas of the scalp. Both of these machines are very costly. Using the machines in the treatment makes FUE surgery more expensive. It is important to research about the clinics and surgeons of the country that are providing latest hair restoration treatments to the patients. You can search them with the help of hair loss and hair restoration forums. In these forums, previously treated patients have made comments about the newer technologies of hair restoration that you can obtain from the country. You can also check the online blogs of the previous patients. Official websites of a surgeon or clinic plays an important role in guiding you about the newer treatments they offer. You can find the list of treatments that you can get in that clinic or hospital.
The patients who want to get non surgical hair replacement can also find the latest techniques from the country. They can see that many centers and clinics are there to help them in getting hairs back on the scalp without any surgery.

You can find the New Techniques of Hair in Pakistan, but remember one thing that they will be much costly as compared to the traditional methods available in the country. Fue hair transplant cost in Pakistan is little higher as new machines and latest technologies are always expensive.

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