Friday 28 December 2012

Hair implantation a permanent method of hair restoration

Dense, thick and healthy hairs are associated with youth and revival. People that are suffering from baldness and partial hair loss are always in search of such treatment that can restore their hairs back on the scalp. Some of them go for medicinal treatment such as Finasteride and Minoxidil. Medicinal and herbal treatments show their results after a very long time. In these days people usually go for hair implantation so that they can restore their hairs within a few months. This treatment uses hair follicles that contain on two four hair follicular units. In implantation surgery, hair follicles are replaced from the one portion of the scalp to another. It is also known as hair transplant or hair restoration surgery. When it comes to history, hair transplant or implant has its origins in Japan where in 1930s, a Japanese transplant surgeon had successfully transplanted the bald eyebrows of his patient. Due to the effects of world war two, no further research could be taken in this field. In 1950, an American Dermatologist Norman Orentreich was the first who successfully implanted the hairs on the bald scalp of a patient suffering from male pattern baldness. It took further thirty years for hair surgeons to create small hair grafts for implantation treatments. Traditional surgical method of hair implant became available in clinics and hospitals during late eighties. In early 2000s, follicular unit extraction became the latest implantation method.

To provide hair implantation to the patients, first of all a surgeon carefully examine the scalp of the patient. He suggests the best method of implant to him according to his needs and demands. There are two hair implant methods accessible these days. One is follicular unit transplant (FUT) and the other is follicular unit extraction (FUE). Surgeon also advises several pre operative suggestions to the patients. so that he can get the best results after the treatment. In most cases, use of alcohol, caffeine and smoking is prohibited to the patients several weeks before the surgery. During actual surgery, local anesthesia is injected to the scalp of patients by using either method of implant. This anesthesia lasts for up to six hours. Then, patient’s scalp is washed through a shampoo containing antibacterial agents.

In traditional strip surgical (FUT) method, hair follicles are obtained through using a thin strip. This strip helps in extracting the hair follicles at once. After the surgeon removes follicles from the donor area of the scalp, he placed them under a binocular microscope. Donor area in FUT is usually back and sides of the scalp. Under the microscope, extracted follicles are separated from each other by a surgeon or expert member of his team. It is also necessary to lean the hair follicles from their neighboring tissues. In case of FUE hair transplant Pakistan and other countries, hair follicles are harvested from the scalp one at a time. A small punch like instrument is used to make incisions around each follicle to separate them from its surroundings. Surgeon use small forceps to pull out each follicle once they got separated. The creation of recipient’s sites follows the same process in FUT and FUE. A hollow needle is used to make tiny holes in recipient area of the scalp. Once the holes are created, hair grafts are placed in a proper direction. If patients have gone through FUT implant, the recovery time is no more than twenty one days. In case of FUE, recovery time is only one day. Post operative cares are also recommended to patients so they can get the best and high quality results after their implant. Some patients can also get certain side-effects, but most of them are temporary.

Hair Implantation is a very much trusted procedure and it needs from four thousand to thirty thousand dollars to get the treatment. But hair transplant in Pakistan can be done in the range of one to three thousand dollars. The cost is also not covered under any health insurance.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Hair restoration products in Pakistan

Many non surgical and herbal treatments are being used by people for restoring the hairs back on the scalp. These days many hair restoration products are available worldwide and it is better to use such products that certified by FDA. Baldness and hair loss is a common problem these days. People who are suffering from these hairs related problems usually keep on finding hair restoration products for their treatment. You can find hundred of products in the market that claim to restore your hairs within a specific time. You can see many of such advertisements in the magazines and on the television. Some of these advertisements are scams and you can find thousands of such on the internet. Unfortunately most of these products are wastage of time. Their claims are false and you will end up in wasting your money. It is advised by dermatologists and hair care professionals that go for those hair restoration products that are approved by the Food and Drug Association of the United States.

There are two drugs that are approved from the FDA to treat hair loss. These are available in markets everywhere. One of them is Minoxidil that is also known as Rogaine. This drug effectively reduce the baldness occur due to male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. This is the first drug that had got approval from the FDA. It is useful for both men and women. It was formerly used fro the treatment of blood pressure related problems. It is available in a topical solution that contains two percent or five percent Minoxidil. It is required to rub the solution on the scalp two times a day. Some people find it effective in re growing their frontal and vertex region hairs. One most important side-effect of this product is that some people find unexpected hair growth on face and cheeks. As it has no effects on hormones, it shows result in very long time. Propecia or Finasteride is another important drug that has been developed to cure androgenic alopecia in men. This hair restoration product is not recommended for women’s use. With one milligram dose of Finasteride per day, male pattern baldness can be cured. This not only helps in preventing further hair loss, but it also helps in hair restoration. This is a proven first line treatment for male pattern baldness. It helps in preventing the conversion of testosterone into DHT hormones that are responsible for hair loss in men. The most important disadvantage that is associated with the both drugs is that once a patient discontinued the use of these medicines, the hair loss will start within a few months.

Laser combs are also approved treatments for thickening hair and to stimulate further hair re growth in those patients that are suffering from hair loss problems. From some studies, it is found that these combs show a very dramatic result of hair restoration. With help of these combs, patients do not need to pay two hundred dollars for their single visit in some beauty clinic. Patients should need to understand about each hair product before using it. They need to find information about the product from various websites. Reviews of some previously treated patients can help them in getting best available product from the market. It is advised that always consult your dermatologist or physician before using any such Product. You may be allergic to some drugs and get long term side-effects. There are many clinics for hair transplant in Pakistan offering free consultation and evaluation for hair loss and baldness patients.

Saturday 22 December 2012

Best hair transplant surgeon in the world

Every transplant surgeon claims that he is world leader or best hair transplant surgeon in the world. The reason is that they want to attract a lot of clients and patients to get their treatment from them. You cannot believe on everyone’s claims. Some surgeons have advertised their services with such glamour that people may think they are the best in the world. You need to find a surgeon that can perform his treatment with accuracy and precision. He can be the best in world for you. He should perform surgery with minimum side-effects and less scarring. Best surgeon of the world has got his education and further specialization degrees from renowned institutes of the world. He should have an approved license from medical board of his country or city. He also has many other certificates in field of hair transplantation. He should be an active member of different international hair loss and hair restoration societies. He must have an ample experience. It is required that best surgeon has many years experience in performing transplant surgery. He should have been performing these surgeries in biggest institutes of the world. There are only a few transplant surgeons that have relevant education and experience in their field. The reason why they are few is that transplant technique is difficult to understand and it needs many years to get experienced in this field.

You need to check the photos and videos of prior patients of a surgeon before labeling him the best hair transplant surgeon in the world. These videos and photos help people in getting a glimpse of their results. You can check these on his official websites. Before and after surgery photos help you in understanding the skills of a person. You can easily check how a person looks like before hair transplant and how his looks change when surgeon restored his hairline. Videos are the most authentic source that can guide you in getting an idea about surgeon’s performance. The best and experienced surgeons provide a free first consultation session. They want their patients to get fully satisfied before the treatment. They also provide pr and post surgical precautions to patients so they can have best results after their treatment. They also examine the scalp of patients and estimate the cost incurred on their treatment. They do not make such promises that are difficult or unable to be fulfills.

Surgeon who claims that he is the best must know all the procedures and techniques involved in hair transplant. He must have expertise on all hair transplant methods such as follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. He should also know how to perform body to heal transplant. He has vast knowledge of using instruments that are necessary for performing transplantation surgeries. He can also use the latest robotic devices introduced in last few years like ARTAS and Neo Grafts. He must also have invented new tools and techniques to make the complicated process of transplantation easy. He should have research person hair transplant published in renowned journals.

You can find the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in the World from the help of various hair loss and hair transplant forums. In these, people have commented and give their reviews about many of them.

Thursday 20 December 2012

FUE hair transplant cost in Pakistan

Pakistan has many cities that are providing FUE surgery to the patients affected from baldness. FUE hair transplant in Pakistan is expensive than FUT in Pakistan, but it is affordable as compared to the price charged in developed countries. FUE or follicular unit extraction is the latest emerged method of hair transplantation that was introduced in hair transplant clinics since early 2000s. This method gain popularity than traditional strip surgery method within a few years. The reason is that less pain, bleeding and scarring is involved in this method than strip surgery. In this technique of hair transplant, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area of the scalp by the surgeon once t a time. This makes this procedure a bit longer and complicated. FUE is available in all developed and many developing countries of the world including Pakistan. This treatment can be found in leading transplant clinics of Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi in Pakistan. Transplant cost is affordable and economical in all over the Pakistan. Traditional surgery or follicular unit transplant is less costly than FUE in transplant clinics of Pakistan. The price of FUE is as twice as FUT like other countries of the world. But this price is significantly less than that charged in transplant clinics of the United States, United Kingdom and Arab Emirates. Due to this, people from developed countries of the world came here to get the FUE treatment in Pakistan. In this way, they can save their up to eighty percent costs on FUE that they need to pay in their home land. Average rate of a single FUE graft is eight dollars in these developed countries. In Pakistan this cost one and half dollar per FUE graft. Patients suffering from baldness from different countries acquire a health visa and came here to get a low cost FUE treatment, but with good quality results. Despite low costs, clinics are equipped with latest instruments and experienced FUE surgeons are there to operate patients. They only need to pay for hotel and travel expense along with FUE treatment fees.

FUE hair transplant cost in Pakistan is estimated with the help of the number of grafts required by patients. A single FUE graft cost ranges from on e hundred and twenty Pakistani Rupees to one hundred and forty five Pakistan Rupees. This cost of a single graft is multiplied with the total number of FUE grafts needed by a patient. So the costs of FUE treatment vary from one person to another. This depends upon the severity of hair loss and stage of baldness that how much grafts a patient needed for FUE transplant. Those who needed more grafts definitely have to pay much money for FUE treatment than those who require only FUE grafts. Another importance factor is that the number of sessions that are required to complete FUE treatment. A FUE surgeon can harvest and transplant up to six hundred grafts in a single session that is no longer than eight hours. The patients who need more FUE grafts also have to go for multiple sessions and that make their FUE treatment expensive. Some FUE clinics in Pakistan use the robotic devices during the treatment. These clinics also charge a high price than others because they are offering latest technologies. When you have estimated about FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Pakistan, you should find out a good transplant surgeon for your FUE surgery. You need to check before and after photos of his previously treated patients.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Hair Transplant in Pakistan Cost

Hair transplant is considered the last and best treatment for hair loss. When people used every medical therapy and failed to restore their hair, the ultimate option for them is surgery.  Hair loss could be caused by various reasons and if it is permanent, the ideal solution is surgical and it is permanent solution. Male pattern baldness is the common kind of baldness that people face and it could be successfully treated. However if a person is suffering from Alopecia Total is or Alopecia Universals then the treatment is not possible because in these two kinds person losses all his hair and for hair transplantation, a donor area is required to donate hair follicles for the scalp. Male or female hair loss pattern is called Alopecia Aerate. In this situation a person is tend to lose hair in the form of patches anywhere on scalp and females are naturally safe from baldness, they go through the thinning of hair all over the scalp. Both are treated with guarantee.

Pakistan is not behind in any medical technology that is used in the progressed world. There are many foreign qualified doctors working in different parts of the country and they are running high end clinics where the best treatments are conducted and hair restoration surgeries are performed with highly competent staff. Getting hair transplant in Pakistan has one biggest advantage and that is the low cost of the surgery. When we compare the charges of treatment in Pakistan with rest of the world, they are minimal and there is no compromise done on the quality of the surgery. If you get your hair restoration from USA, UK or Europe, the surgery would cost you 6000- 8000 Euros. However, the cost here is many times lesser than that. If you chose FUE hair transplant, one hair graft costs you 125 Rs, which is very reasonable. There could be approximately 4500 hair grafts transplanted with this technique. In this technique one hair follicle is extracted from the donor area and re-planted. There is no incision given and it is the least invasive method that is used. There is no scar left after the surgery rather it has tendency to cover any previous scar on your scalp if you had gone through any surgical treatment. It can give you the most natural looking and dense hair without any detection.

FUT is another method that is used for planting hair. This is cheaper solution for getting rid of baldness. It leaves a linear scar after the procedure because for conducting this method an incision is given at the back of the head to remove a strip of hairs. These hair follicles are re-inserted after dissecting them. And the incision is closed by giving stitches. Both procedures are safe and they are done after injecting local anesthesia to the scalp. Due to this it is pain free and patient is awake and comfortable during the procedure. This method would cost 60 RS per graft. The drawback of this technique is that it is invasive and it gives numbness to the scalp. The cost of the procedure is a major deciding factor as everyone has to plan his budget. Hair transplant in Pakistancost is almost 70% less as compared to France and UK clinics.