Tuesday 29 January 2013

Robotic follicular unit extraction FUE hair transplant in Lahore

FUE hair transplant is offered by many leading transplant clinics of the Lahore. But these days’ robotic devices are being used to assist the surgeon during this surgical procedure. You can also find these machines in some clinics of the city.

Hair loss and hair fall is the problem that is affecting millions every year. These problems can completely distort personality of a person. From last many centuries, different treatments have been used to overcome baldness and hair loss problems. You can find many surgical and non surgical solutions of baldness these days. In surgical solutions, hair transplant treatments are the most permanent and effective solutions to get rid of baldness. You can find all these surgical treatments in Pakistan. The traditional method is commonly found in all cities. In this method, hair follicles are harvested from the donor area of the scalp by using a strip. The other method known as follicular unit extraction is also found in most of the leading clinics of the country. This is the newer and advanced hair loss surgical treatment. In this technique, hair follicles are harvested individually from the scalp. These days, latest advancements in this technique have lead to many new methods of treatments. You can find robotic devices that help the surgeons in performing this treatment accurately and precisely. Lahore is the biggest city of the Punjab and it is also the capital of this province. This city is famous for its traditional, cultures, heritage and cuisines. Many people from all over the Pakistan came here to get hair transplant treatments. It is one of those cities of the country where you can find most of hair restoration clinics. You can get the best hair surgeries from this city. With emergence of new robotic devices, many clinics of the city have adopted and purchased the new machineries. It is the only city of the country from where you can find the latest FUE hair transplant in Pakistan devices. A few clinics are there that are offering the patients to get surgery through the latest technology.

In new machines, ARTAS and Neograft play a very important role. ARTAS system is invented in the year 2011 and it is also approved from the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. It is a computer assisted device that helps surgeon in harvesting the best quality hair follicles form the scalp. Neograft is a suction based machine that helps in extracting the hair grafts from the scalp through its suction based system. This machine also helps in creating recipient sites on the bald areas of the scalp. Both of these machines required a skilled surgeon to use and handle them. You can find many surgeons in Lahore that have practiced and skilled in using these new machines.

Many times and practice is required to use these machines with care and accuracy. A lot of cost is also needed to purchase these new devices for hair transplant surgeries. This makes the treatment more expensive. We know that FUE is the most costly treatment of hair restoration these days. But the treatment through these machines add additional costs to the over all treatment. You need to have millions of Pakistani Rupees, if you want to get the treatment in Lahore. People from different cities of countries came here to get this new hair regrowth treatment. They want to get such hair restoration that lasts for the lifetime.

You can find the clinics and surgeons using the new machines in their treatments from different websites. On official websites of a clinic, you can see that they have mentioned about the treatments they offered. You can check it from that section whether the machines are available in that clinic or not. Some of these clinics also advertise these latest robotic treatments with the help of newspapers and magazines. You can also visit many hair loss forums for this purpose.

Results of Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction FUE in Lahore are totally pendant upon the skills and expertise of the surgeon. You need to visit such physicians that have a great command over these machines.

New techniques of hair Transplant Surgery in Pakistan

There are both surgical and non surgical solutions of hair loss available in Pakistan. You can also get the latest treatments for your hair loss and baldness problems from the country. It is important that you should make research about these treatments with help of internet or by visiting them.

Hair loss is a problem that can lead to permanent baldness in men and women. This problem is commonly found all around the globe. You can find many people in daily life that are suffering from baldness and want to get rid of this problem. From the years, medial experts are busy in finding the new solutions to treat hair loss and baldness. Pakistan is a country where you can find thousands affected by the hair loss problems every year. You can also find many surgical and non surgical treatments in the country that can help hair loss patients.
There are new techniques and methods of hair restoration now available all over the country. You can go for hair transplant surgeries that are the most effective treatment of hair loss these days. Hair transplant Pakistan was introduced in late 1990s. At that time only follicular unit transplant was obtainable from different hair clinics of the country. In this method, hair follicles are extracted from the scalp with help of a strip. Once this strip is extracted from the scalp, the donor area is stitched by the surgeon. The obtained follicles are dissected under a Stereo microscope where they also get separated form each other. This treatment is commonly available in country.

The newer method known as follicular unit extraction was introduced in the country a few years before. This is also the latest hair transplantation treatment available in the world. This method helps in minimize the scarring, pain and discomfort during the surgery. In this treatment, hair follicles are extracted from the scalp once at a time. Surgeons use a punch like instruments to separate each follicle from its surrounding. Later, it is pulled out from the scalp with the help of forceps. This method is only available in leading transplant clinics of the country. With advancement of medical technology, now robotic devices are there in market that helps surgeon to perform FUE surgery accurately. These devices are found in a few hair restoration clinics of the Pakistan. These devices help in performing an accurate and precise transplant surgery. ARTAS system is one of these robotic devices. This helps in extracting the hair follicles from the scalp. It was introduced in transplant industry in the year 2011. You can find this device only in some clinics of the Lahore. Neograft is another robotic machine that operates on a suction based system. It helps in extracting the follicles with help of its suction tube. It also helps the surgeon in making recipient sites in the bald areas of the scalp. Both of these machines are very costly. Using the machines in the treatment makes FUE surgery more expensive. It is important to research about the clinics and surgeons of the country that are providing latest hair restoration treatments to the patients. You can search them with the help of hair loss and hair restoration forums. In these forums, previously treated patients have made comments about the newer technologies of hair restoration that you can obtain from the country. You can also check the online blogs of the previous patients. Official websites of a surgeon or clinic plays an important role in guiding you about the newer treatments they offer. You can find the list of treatments that you can get in that clinic or hospital.
The patients who want to get non surgical hair replacement can also find the latest techniques from the country. They can see that many centers and clinics are there to help them in getting hairs back on the scalp without any surgery.

You can find the New Techniques of Hair in Pakistan, but remember one thing that they will be much costly as compared to the traditional methods available in the country. Fue hair transplant cost in Pakistan is little higher as new machines and latest technologies are always expensive.

Hair thinning in men and women - treatment in Pakistan

Hairs are an essential part of human body that enhances their beauty. Hair loss and hair shedding can cause hair thinning in men and women. Various causes are there which can contribute to this hair problem. After identifying the cause, it is important to get treatment.

Hair thinning is a condition where a patient suffers from frequent hair falling that exceeds the normal amount of hundred. It can lead to partial hair loss and permanent baldness in some cases. Man and woman both experience the plight of hair thinning due to certain causes and reasons. We all are living in a century that has vigorous demands. In this busy time, no one has to take care of his beauty because many products are available in market for skin and hair care. So when a person notices hair thinning, it is often too late. He or she has to visit dermatologist to discuss about the problem of hair loss. Hair thinning has affect on every one personality in many ways. It is important to read about the causes when you are suffering from this problem. The main reason of hair fall is due to genetic reasons and it is known as androgenic alopecia or in common words male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. In male pattern baldness, hair follicles are deteriorated and destroyed by DHT hormones present in body. When men reached at puberty level, they start getting this problem. Its counterpart is known as female pattern baldness, androgen is responsible for causing this problem. Gradually hair thinning start due to frequent hair shedding and a patient can get bald in a few years. Other important reason of hair thinning is stress and depression. After some time of stressful events, a person can suffer from hair fall. In women, pregnancy, use of certain hormonal balance therapies and contraceptive pill makes the hairs fall.

There are many treatment of hair thinning are available. In these treatments, some of herbal medicine and home remedies are being used from the centuries. It is advised that patients should use balance diet and they adopt a healthy lifestyle. If the hair fall is due to some underlying disease, then dermatologist or physician will recommend a medicine to treat that problem. As a result, patient will get rid of hair loss problem. In some cases, use of some medicines and treatments are cause of hair thinning. Once the use of such medications is stopped, hair loss is diminished from the scalp and patients have new hair growth.  In medicinal treatment of hair thinning, two medicines are used that are approved by the FDA. Minoxidil is a foam or lotion that is used to rub on the affected area of the scalp that is suffering from hair thinning. After a few months, patients can notice that hairs are re growing in the bald areas. Another medicine that is known as Finasteride is used to block the DHT hormonal levels that are a cause of male pattern baldness. This medicine also helps in getting hair back on the scalp. In surgical treatments, scalp reduction is used that removes the bald area of the scalp through surgery. In these days, hair transplant surgeries to get hair restoration are available and getting popularity because of their permanency.

Hair Transplantation is the permanent and effective way to get hairs back that are lost due to Hair Thinning. The other medicines can be effective, but once their use is discontinued patients can get the hair loss problem again.

Monday 28 January 2013

Types of hair transplant treatment available in Pakistan

There are the two basic types of hair transplant and restoration methods. Procedures of these surgeries vary significantly. In FUT, hair follicles are removed in form of a group while in FUE they are extracted individually. Each of these methods has their own pros and cons.

Hair transplant is the permanent and the most effective treatment to prevent hair loss and to restore hairs back on the scalp. This method is the only available surgical solution of hair restoration. It takes up to seventy years for hair transplantation to emerge as a successful and desirable method that we have today. With advancement of new technologies, medical expert are successful in getting two types of hair transplantation. These are the two basic and primary methods of transplant. Further research and studies are still in progress to find out new transplant treatments. One method of transplant is the traditional and old currently known as follicular unit transplant and abbreviated as FUT. The second method is known as follicular unit extraction or FUE that is latest emerged transplant method. In both of these methods, local anesthesia is injected into the scalp to minimize the pain and discomfort of the patient.

Follicular unit transplant is considered the traditional method that is also known as strip surgery. In this method, hair follicles are extracted from the donor part of the scalp. These hair follicles are harvested from the scalp with the help of a thin strip. The strip is removed and placed under a binocular microscope where hair follicles are dissected from each other and from the surrounding tissues. Recipient sites are created in recipient areas o the scalp. A hollow needle is used to make tiny holes on the scalp. Harvested hair follicles are then inserted into these sites from where they re grows into healthy hairs. A linear wound remains on the donor area of the patient’s scalp. This wound is stapled, stitched and closed with the help of stainless staples especially designed for cosmetic surgery. Within two or three weeks of surgery, the patients usually recover their wound and than a big scar are present on their scalp for the lifetime.

Follicular unit extraction is the latest developed method of hair transplantation. It was introduced in hair clinics in early 2000s. It gained much popularity as compared to the traditional method because less pain and blood is involved in this surgery. Hair follicles are extracted from the scalp, but one at a time. In this procedure, a punch like instrument is used to create tiny cuts around each hair follicle. These cuts are made by a surgeon and they are usually not more than one millimeter in size. The reason for creating incisions is that follicles get separated from their neighboring tissues. After that, surgeon pulls out the follicles with the help of forceps. Hair follicles obtained are place under a microsphere to clean them from fatty tissues. Recipient sites are made in recipient area by following the same procedure used in the traditional method. There is no linear or big scar on the scalp. Thousand of tiny wounds are there in the donor area after the surgery. It usually takes seven days to heal the wounds completely. The wounds than change into white scars that are not visible to eye.

In both FUE and FUT Types of Hair Transplantation, several post surgical precautions are being advised to patients. They can get good quality surgical results by following them accordingly. One can get cheap Hair transplant in Pakistan without compromising its quality and results.

FUE hair transplant cost UK

UK is the country from where you can get an outstanding and high quality hair transplant treatment. But this treatment is much costly as compared to other countries. Various factors are there that are regulating the costs of transplants in UK.

FUE is also known as follicular unit extraction and it is one of basic methods of hair transplant. This method was introduced in early 2000s in all over the world. This method was well admired by the patients who wanted to get surgical transplant treatment. Unlike the traditional follicular unit transplant, no pain, scarring and bleeding is involved during FUE surgery. This method is also available in different cities of UK. FUE is one of the costly hair restoration treatments in UK that needs thousands of pounds for a single session. UK is the developed country that provides all medical care and facilities to its citizens without any cost. FUE transplant in UK like all other cosmetic surgeries is not provided in any public sector hospital. It is not covered by any health insurance offered in UK.                

FUE hair transplant cost UK is dependent upon many important factors. These factors regulate the FUE prices in all over the UK. One most important factor is the transplant surgeon that is needed to perform FUE operation. IF the surgeon is well qualified and highly dedicated to FUE and he has years of practice in doing surgery, he will definitely charge high fees. The surgeons who have started their career in transplant field are less expensive and they charge economical fees. The reason is that very few surgeons are in UK that has got specialized in FUE. So they charge a high cost from the patients. The second important factor to consider when it comes to FUE price in UK is the clinic or hospital from where the patient wants to get the surgery. London is most expensive area of the UK and from there you will get a high priced FUE surgery. Like other countries if the clinic is located in commercial or expensive area, the surgery will be costly and if the clinic is there is some urban or remote area, you will get a cheap FUE.

The method that is used for transplantation is the third important factor that is regulating the overall cost of FUE in UK. There are two basic methods of transplant; FUT and FUE. In UK, you can find FUT is less priced than FUE. The reason is that a huge time and concentration of surgeon is needed to perform FUE as compared to FUT. FUE is twice expensive than FUT. It is estimated that a person needs seventeen thousand pounds to thirty one thousand pounds if he want to get FUE in UK. Even the FUE surgery is expensive, but the results are often guaranteed. People from different countries of the world are coming here to get the FUE treatment, despite the high costs incurred in UK.

Method of calculating FUE costs vary from clinic to another clinic in UK. Most of the clinics charges according the number of grafts needed by a patient. If a patient needs few grafts, he will pay less and patients who need more grafts have to pay more money. So it is somehow difficult to calculate the average costs of FUE in UK. There is recent trend of medical tourism and people travel to Pakistan , India, Brazil and Thailand for low cost hair transplantation. For example one can get 2000 to 4000 follicles in Pakistan between 1800 to 3600 Pounds which is impossible in UK.

When you have searched about FUE Hair Transplant Cost UK, it is better to find out some good clinic or transplant surgeon. You must go for an initial online consultancy before going for treatment.

Baldness hair transplant

Baldness is a curse for every patient and it is needed to get cured as soon as possible. There are many causes for hair loss and baldness problems. Hair transplant is now there to restore the lost hairs back on the scalp. This procedure has two primary methods that are customized according to the patients needs.

Hairs are associated with virility, vitality and youth from the hundred years. In past baldness was considered a punishment given to the evils and sinful persons form the God. It decreases the level of confidence and self respect of a person. It has adverse affects on the psychology of a person. There are many treatments that are used to cure baldness. Some of these are herbal and medicinal that claim to restore hairs within a specific time. But in the early 2000s, the treatment that is significantly getting popularity is hair transplant. This method has established itself as the permanent and long term solution of baldness. Baldness is a surgical process where hair follicles are extracted from the back of the scalp and moved to the hairless or bald area. The reason of moving hair follicles from one part to another is that transplanted hair follicles are not affected by any genetic conditions in the future. It seems to be a very simple process, but in reality it is a complicated operation. Poorly performed surgery can give you unnatural hairline and bad results after the surgery. It is needed to perform every step of hair transplantation with a great care and attention.

In the hair transplantation procedure, local anesthesia is given to the patient from the actual process. Surgeon inject local anesthesia on the scalp of the patient to save him from any pain and discomfort. After this, hair follicles are extracted by the surgeon. In follicular unit transplant, hair follicles are removed with the help of a strip from the backside of the head. In follicular unit extraction, a punch like instrument is used to make incisions around each follicle. When these follicles get separated from the surroundings, they are pulled out with the help of forceps by a surgeon. Hair follicles that re extracted in form of a strip are placed under a binocular microscope where an expert member of the surgeon’s team dissect them and separate them from each other. In FUT process, donor area is sealed with the help of stitches, statures or stainless steel staples after the surgery. There is no requirement of these stitches in FUE hair transplant in Pakistan.

Tiny sites are created in the recipient or hairless area of the scalp with the help of a hollow needle or sharp blade. Thousands of small slits are created in recipient area. Hair grafts are transplanted in these sites after extraction. Recipient sites are created in same way in both methods of  hair transplant. Hair re grow from these inserted follicles within ninety days of transplantation. Recovery time of FUE method is not more than a week while it takes almost twenty one days for the patients to recover after FUT treatment. Various pre and post operative instructions are given to patients and they are advises to follow them if they want a high quality transplant result. Minor side-effects are associated with transplants that include redness, hair thinning, bleeding, swelling, itching, soreness and infections. These side-effects usually last for three or four days.

The patients who have completely gone bald and want Hair Transplant cost in Pakistan do not need to get worried. Or such patient body to head hair transplantation is available in which hair follicles are extracted from body and transplanted to the scalp.

Latest hair transplant in Pakistan

Hair transplant is a preferred method to regain hairs back on the scalp. In Pakistan, you can find latest hair restoration surgeries in a fewer clinics. These surgeries can help patients in getting an accurate treatment. You can search about them from the internet or your friends.

Hair transplant is surgical method of hair restoration that has got a significant popularity in last decade. This treatment is helpful for those who want to get permanent treatment of their baldness. Hair restoration surgeries are available all over the world including both developed and developing countries. Pakistan is one of those countries where you can find many hair restoration clinics in fall big cities offering hair restoration surgeries to the patients. With the passage of time, patients want to get new and more effective hair transplant surgeries. There are basically two hair loss surgical treatments available these days. One is traditional strip surgical method that involves extraction of hair follicles from the scalp with help of a thin metallic strip. The second one is newer method that is known as follicular unit extraction. In this method, hair follicles are obtained individually from the donor area of the scalp. Now there are latest techniques that are involved in performing FUE. These are also offered in different hair clinic of the county.

Robotic devices were introduced during the annual meeting of International Hair Restoration Societies during the year 2007 and 2008. These were invented to assist the surgeon during the surgical treatment of the patients. These devices gained popularity because they can help in performing FUE with accuracy. ARTAS system was introduced in the year 20001 to treat the patients suffering from male pattern baldness or other form of hair loss. It is a robotic arm that helps in providing the follicular unit extraction treatment to a patient. It helps the surgeon in obtaining hair follicles with low chances of transection during the procedure.  With help of this machine, hair follicles are harvested randomly from the different areas of the donor area, so that the scars can be well hidden after the treatment. You can find this Fue hair transplant in Pakistan, but in a very few clinics. Lahore is one of those cities that have this new machinery in some of its hair loss treatment clinics. Another latest hair loss treatment is also found in Lahore that is known as Neograft. It is a robotic devise that also assist surgeon during the FUE treatment. A suction based device is used that is partially automated. A sharp punch is attached to the suction unit of the device that helps in removing hair follicles from their surroundings. The follicles are entered into a small chamber through a tube after their extraction. This machine also helps in creating recipient’s sites on the patient’s scalp. This machine is also available in a few hair clinics of the country.

The newer procedures of hair regrowth surgeries are not commonly available in Pakistan. These treatments are found only in a few clinics that have advanced technologies and instruments. Patients who want to get the treatment have to search about these clinics in the country. They can take help from internet. They can search form various hair loss and hair treatment forums. They can ask it from different members of these forums about these newer devices. Most of the surgeons or clinics having advance hair technologies advertise their services on print and electronic media. These advertisements can also help patients who are seeking these treatments form the country. Social media is also a good source to find about such clinics that are using the newer devices for hair regrowth. You can also ask from your friends or relatives that have gone through any transplant surgery. They can also guide the patients in finding the latest hair surgery procedures from the country. IT is important to visit the clinic and surgeon before going for these new treatments.

Latest procedure is Fue Hair Transplant in Pakistan, least invasive in nature as compared to the older hair restoration surgeries. It is advised to patients that they go to a renowned surgeon for their treatment.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Cost of hair transplant in Pakistan

Hair transplant is the latest method where hair follicles are used to obtain permanent hairs on the scalp. This method is available in Pakistan on a reasonable price. People from other countries also travel here to get low priced treatment.

Hair transplant is a procedure in which hair follicles are obtained from the dense and healthy hair growth region of the scalp and they are implanted to the bald portions of the head. This method is the most preferred hair restoration solution these days. It is permanent and effective for those people that are on the last stages of their baldness. In Pakistan, you can commonly find this treatment in leading hair restoration clinics. Many of Pakistanis are affected by baldness and other hair loss solutions. They mostly use the non surgical treatments. Those who are on the last stages of baldness have to go for surgical treatments. These treatments are found on a reasonable cost in the country.

When you will compare the price of these surgical hair restoration treatments with these that are found in Australia, the United States, the United Arab Emirates and Europe, you will find that hair transplant cost in Pakistan is cheaper. You can find the surgeries at a reasonable and affordable price in the country. These days’ people from different countries of the world came here on health visas to get treatment from Pakistan. They can get an excellent low cost treatment with the desired results. They can save their up to seventy percent money if they get treatment in this country. They need to pay additional charges such as hotel expense and air fare apart from the over all cost of the surgical treatment.

Generally the price of the hair loss treatments is based on the experiences of the surgeon. In the country, you can find that experienced and expert surgeons having years of practice in this field are charging less money than those in other developed countries. You can find such surgeons that have more than fifteen years of experience in this field. They charge a reasonable amount of fees from patients even if they are coming from abroad. Clinics that are offering these surgical treatments in the country follow all the standards that are set internationally by hair loss and hair restoration societies. They are updated with all latest instruments used during the operation. They provide their patients the best facilities that are needed during the surgery. You can see that apart from these all facilities, the price of over all treatment is affordable and economical.

Different clinics and surgeons use their own methods to calculate these costs you need to pay for hair restoration surgeries. It is found that you can even get low priced surgeries from different clinics and surgeons. These surgeries are an embarrassment for the patients in the public after the treatment. It is better for the people to search about the reputation of the surgeon before going for the actual surgery. You need to visit the surgeon before the treatment so you can check that whether you will get the desired results in the end or not.

It is estimated that you need from seventy thousand Pakistani Rupees to three hundred thousand Pakistani Rupees, if you want to get follicular unit transplant from the country. This is the traditional strip surgical method and it is cheaper surgical method all over the world. In this treatment, hair follicles are harvested from the scalp with the help of a strip. A newer method is also obtainable in this country that is known as follicular unit extraction. This is very expensive hair restoration surgical method. In this treatment hair follicles are harvested individually from the donor area. It is required that for FUE hair transplant in Pakistan, you need to pay double price as compare to the traditional method.

Some patients want to pay less Cost of Hair Transplant in Pakistan and that is the reason that they get the long term side-effects in the end.

Hair transplantation cost in Pakistan FUE method

Hair transplant is the most effective method of hair restoration available in world these days. This is the method where hair follicles are used to get hairs back on the scalp. These follicular units help in giving the natural hairs to the patients after the treatment. There are two basic methods used in this treatment. One is known as follicular unit transplant or FUT that is the traditional strip surgical method. Other is known as follicular unit extraction method that is abbreviated is FUE. This method was introduced in 2000s and it is now available in different countries of the world including Pakistan. This is the most costly method of hair restoration.

Pakistan is a country where you can find all types of hair surgical treatments. This country is the developing country and it is famous around the globe for its culture, heritage, cuisines and atomic technology. Basic health care is not accessible to many of the citizens, but you can find all type of cosmetic surgeries in the country. You can find follicular unit extraction treatment in the big cities of the country on a reasonable price. You can find this treatment on an affordable price on all big cities located in different provinces of the country.

There are many important factors that are regulating cost of this hair transplant surgery in Pakistan. These factors are very important because they are controlling the price incurred on the treatment. The most important is that the surgeon who is going to perform this surgery on the patients. We all know hat a very few surgeons are there in the world that have mastered this new technique. In the country, a very few surgeons are there that have relevant experience and degree in performing this surgery. Those who are specialized and well expert in the field charge a high amount of money form the patients. Another reason or factor is that there is a lots of time needed during this operation. Unlike traditional method where a surgeon can harvest up to five thousand follicular grafts in one session, follicular unit extractions treatment needs time. It is estimated that up to two thousand grafts can be extracted from the scalp by using this surgical method. It requires one to two sessions of the surgeon and patients. It also needs much attention of the surgeon. Any carelessness can lead to low quality grafts that yield a poor results after the surgery.

There are many clinics in the country that are offering Fue hair transplant in Pakistan to the patients. They use different methods of calculating the prices they charge for treatment. In many clinics, price of this treatment is equal for every patient despite the hair loss problems. In most of the clinics, they charge according to the number of grafts needed by the patients. According to a study, average cost of a single FUE graft ranges from one hundred and twenty Pakistani Rupees to one hundred and fifty Pakistani Rupees. The defined cost of a single graft is multiplied by the total number of grafts that are required by a patient. It is important for the patients to ask about the over all cost of the treatment during the first consultancy session from the surgeon. He can estimate the accurate price for the patients.

Clinics of the country that are offering much additional services to the patients are expensive. They provide a high priced follicular unit extraction treatment to the Pakistanis. The clinics that are located in renowned areas of the country are also charging high amount of fees.

Hair Transplant cost in Pakistan FUE Method is less than the treatment that is offered in countries like the United States and Canada. The results are as same as you can get in any of these developed countries.

Hair loss treatment price in Pakistan

Pakistan is the second biggest country of the South Asia that I located near the Coast of Arabia Sea. This country is famous all around the globe for its unique culture, Indus Valley Civilization, heritage, cuisines and languages. It is among those countries of the world that are providing latest and updated treatments to the patients. Even the health care and basic medical treatments are not accessible to everyone in the country, but you can get the latest cosmetic surgeries. It is among those developing countries of the world that are pioneers of hair transplant surgeries. Despite the cost, these surgeries are the most effective solutions of baldness. You can find hair transplant at a reasonable cost and price from the country.

Cost of hair transplant in Pakistan has fallen significantly within last five years. The reason is that there is a huge competition in hair transplant industry of the country. You can find many hair restoration clinics and hospitals located in different cities of the country. Due to this heavy competition, patients can get a high quality treatment on a reasonable cost from all the cities of the country. When these hair restoration surgeries were not available in the country, patients who want to get permanent hair surgeries had to travel abroad. This makes the over all hair transplantation much expensive than other method. Patients also need money to spend on the travel expenses and accommodation charges along with the cost of their surgery. Availability of the treatment in the country is blessing for hairless and bald people. Now they can save their money by getting treatment in their native country.

There are two methods of hair restoration surgeries that are available to the bald patients of the country. Each of these methods has a different cost. One of these methods is known as follicular unit transplant or FUT. This is the oldest method of transplant and in this method hair follicles are extracted from the scalp with the help of a thin strip. This method is commonly found in all leading transplant centers and clinics. This is the cheaper of the transplant methods. It requires from thirty five to eighty Pakistani Rupees, if a patient wants to get this surgery. This is preferred by most of the Pakistanis due to its less cost. Over all hair restoration surgery using FUT method can be get in seventy thousand to two hundred and fifty thousands Pakistani Rupees.

The other method is known as follicular unit extraction or FUE. This is the newer method available in the country, so it is high priced than FUT. In this surgery, hair follicles are extracted individually from the scalp. This takes much time and attention of the surgeon. It also needs accuracy of the surgeon performing this surgery. So this method is much costly in all over the country. It is estimated that patients need from eighty to one hundred and thirty five Pakistani Rupees to get a single FUE graft. The over all procedure can be gained within two hundred thousand to eight hundred thousand Pakistani Rupees. This method is available only in big and developed cities of the country such as Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad.

It is important to search about the costs of the hair surgeries that can be obtained in Pakistan. The reason is that you can get the excellent surgery on a low cost form various transplant clinics of the country. You can search about the cost with the help of many websites and hair loss forums. You can find the average costs by viewing the different posts of the previous patients.

You need to check about the clinic and transplant surgeon after searching about the Hair Loss Treatment Price in Pakistan. This helps you in saving from inexpert surgeons that are offering low priced surgery, but can give you transplant failure in the end.

Hair grafting in Pakistan

Hair grafting is a process where hair grafts are extracted from the donor area of the scalp and later they are transplanted to the bald areas. This is the latest process of getting permanent hairs back on he scalp. This treatment is also known as hair implantation or hair transplant. This method is effective for the patients that are suffering from baldness and other hair loss problems. This new surgical treatments were introduced in different hair loss clinics in 1980s. This is now available in Pakistan. You can find many centers and hospitals that are dealing with hair implants. It is commonly found in all the big cities of the country such as Karachi, Hyderabad, Quetta, Islamabad and Lahore.

Hair implants provide helps to all the patients suffering from any type of hair loss problem. These surgeries help in restoring the natural hairlines of a bald patient. You can find the best hair implant clinics and hospitals in the world dealing with these surgical treatments. Many of them are popular around the world for their results and effectiveness. These hair implants are provided to both men and women and are customized according to their needs. Patients can obtain the high quality results after the surgery.

Clinics that are providing hair implant treatments to the patients are well equipped with latest instruments in the Pakistan. They use all newer methods in performing hair restoration surgeries on their patients. You can find that most of them have established a very good reputation on social media. They advertise their services through the help of newspapers, fashion magazines, television and Sunday magazines. Initial consultancy provided to the patients is free of any cost or charges. Patients can evaluate the surgeon and clinics during this session. They can also ask about the number of grafts they needed for their treatment.

You can find relevant information about hair implant clinics of the country through the help of internet. Each clinic has its own official website. With help of these websites, patients can directly contact the relevant surgeons working there. You can also find such clinics that are offering online hair consultancy to the patients coming from aboard or any other city. These patients are required to send the close ups of their scalp to the surgeon. He can tell them about severity of hair loss, method of treatment and total number of implants required by them after examining the photo. You can also find some websites that can show you the pre and post surgical photos of the patients that have gone through hair restoration treatment form a particular clinic or surgeon. These photos help the patients in getting an idea about the work of a surgeon. So by sitting in the home, patients can decide that whether they need to go to a surgeon for treatment or not.

There are two methods of treatments that are available to the patients who want hair transplant in Pakistan. Follicular unit transplant is the oldest method that is also known as strip surgery. This method is the most common hair restoration surgery available in all parts of the country. People can easily access to this treatment. You can get a low cost FUT treatment from the country. The second method is known as follicular unit extraction that is the newer method. It was introduced in hair loss clinics of Pakistan in 2000s. This is the preferred method of hair surgical treatment because it gives less marks and wounds after the surgery. This is accessible only in the leading transplant centers of the country. This is much costly treatment of hair restoration available in the country.

Hair grafting in Pakistan
is cheap as compared to the biggest countries around the globe. Now patients from different other countries came here for a low cost treatment.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Price hair transplant Pakistan

Whenever patients that are suffering from baldness are planning to get a treatment, they need to find out the cost required during the whole procedure. Same is the case with hair transplant that is the permanent hair restoration solution these days. When people want to get these hair restoration surgeries, they started finding the estimated costs thy need to pay for this treatment. In Pakistan, you can find all types of hair restoration surgeries. You can obtain these surgeries on a reasonable and affordable cost from anywhere in the country. It is important for Pakistanis to check the cost through different sources before going for any hair restoration surgery.

Average costs that are required to get the treatment are a main concern for majority of Pakistanis. Some people considered it the most expensive treatment of hair loss available in the country. It is important to weigh the benefits and advantages of the treatment in the long time. Hair surgeries should be considered an investment rather than a treatment. You can find several factors that can contribute to hair restoration surgery costs in the country. These help in understanding the costs set by clinics and surgeons for the surgical treatments.

The numbers of sessions that are required are much important when it comes to the costs. As the number will increases, surgeons will charge more fees from the patients. Another important factor is the number of hair grafts that a patients needs. Some patients want a thick density of hair in their bald areas. For such patients, hair surgical treatment can cost very high. Both of these above mentioned factors are dependant upon the severity of hair loss and stage of baldness. The patients that need more hair grafts also required having many sessions with the surgeon. They also required a large number of grafts. In such cases, hair surgical treatment is expensive. Some clinics charge same price from the patients regardless of the hair loss problems.

Hair surgeries that are performed in renowned clinics of the country are also expensive. If the clinic is a part of chain of some big recognized hair restoration centre, then it will also charge high fees from patients. The reasons is that they have to pay overhead of their clinics. So they charge more money from patients to cover these additional charges. The clinics that are located in elite and commercial areas of a city are also providing costly treatment to the patients. The clinics that are located in small cities of the country are also less expensive. Qualification of the surgeon that will perform the treatment is an important factor. Those surgeons that have got years of experiences in performing the hair surgical treatment in are expensive than others.

Average price of hair transplants in Pakistan are usually lower if you compared them to the treatment costs of any other country. It is one of those developing countries that is providing the most excellent treatments to the patient, but on a reasonable cost. You need to pay from forty to eighty five Pakistani Rupees for getting a single FUT graft. The patients that want to get an FUE surgery should keep in mind that this is more expensive than FUT. They need to pay from eighty Pakistani Rupees to one hundred and forty Pakistani Rupees for per FUE graft. FUE is a latest method that is emerging in the country, so it is costly. There are a fewer surgeons who are inexpert in providing this treatment to the patients. Those who are experienced in field of FUE hair surgery are charging more prices.

Price Fue Hair Transplant in Pakistan is usually high if you will visit an experienced surgeon. But it is advised the patients to go for an expert surgeon. This minimizes the chances of graft failure.

Men hair loss and treatment in Pakistan

Hair loss and baldness is considered undesirable and unattractive in men from the centuries. Lots of herbal and medicated treatments have been used from years to cure it. Even these days when it becomes a fashion to have short hair and shaven head, many men still wanted to restore their hairs on the scalp. Majority of new treatments that are marketed today are useless and they are wastage of money. It is advised to visit a doctor when a male is suffering from hair fall or partial baldness. No treatment is given to patient without identifying the cause of underlying problem. Among the different causes of men’s hair loss, genetic and hereditary play a very important role. Androgenic alopecia that is known as male pattern baldness in common words is the major cause of baldness in ninety five percent of male suffering from baldness. It is prevailed in those men who have a family history of hair fall or baldness. Dihydrotestosterone or DHT hormones released in men significantly contributes to male pattern baldness. DHT hormones make the hair follicles to shrink and shorten their life. They affect the follicles in another way by deteriorating and destroying them. As a result, hair stated falling from the scalp and it leads to hair loss. Many other causes of baldness are also found in men, but this genetic one is the most significant. Only genetic and environmental factors are known that plays an important role in androgenic alopecia. Certain other factors are still unknown to medical experts and further studies are still carried out to find out them. In initial stage of this condition, men started losing hairs from their vertex region and temples of the scalp. After that, receding hairline is visible on the scalp. At the last stage, patients lose all of his hairs except those on the backside of head. Men suffering from alopecia have to pass through seven stages of baldness that are identified by dermatologists.

Only those treatments to treat male pattern baldness are recommended by dermatologist and physicians that are approved by the food and drug association of the United Sates. It is better to go for treatment when a man notices an unusual hair fall. Those who are in early stages of hair loss conditions can restore their hairs back without any expensive treatment or surgery. With advancement of medical sciences, it is now possible to have natural hairs back with certain medicines and surgeries.

In medical treatments of men’s hair loss, Propecia and Rogaine are given to the patients to get rid of this problem. Both of these medicines are clinically approved from the FDA of the United Sates, These medicines are taken orally and applied externally on the scalp. These help in regulating the DHT hormones level in the body that is the cause of hair fall. If baldness is severe or medicines are not working, than hair transplant in Pakistan is advised to patients. Hair transplant surgery is used to transplant hair follicles on the scalp that are taken from the hair dense area. The hairs re grows through these follicles are not affected by any genetic or hereditary problem. Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is another minimal invasive and scalpel free procedure.

Dermatologists and hair transplant surgeons can help to find out the cause of Men’s hair loss. They recommend the best available treatment to the patients. Surgical and non surgical hair transplant in Islamabad Lahore and Karachi is available.

Male pattern baldness treatment in Pakistan

Male pattern baldness is the major cause of hair loss and badness in men all over the world. It can affect any man at any age of any race and ethnic group. In this condition, hairs start losing from the front and vertex region of the scalp. It needs fifteen to twenty five years for a man to go bald, but in most conditions within five years men lost all of their hairs. Causes of this disease are still unknown, but medical experts associate it with genetic and environmental factors. In medical dictionary, it is known as androgenic alopecia. It is found from various studies that release of DHT hormones in males cause this condition. DHT hormones shrink the hair follicles and affect their life span by shortening it. They also start damaging and deteriorating the follicles and make hairs fall from the scalp. Non surgical and surgical treatments are available to the patients suffering from this hair condition. In non surgical male pattern baldness treatments, various medicines are advertised and marketed over the print or electronic media. All of them claimed to restore hairs within some days and for the lifetime. Most of these medicines are useless and they can waste money and time of patient. Dermatologist advised to use only those medicines and treatments that are approved from the Food and Drug association of the United States. Two of these medicines are obtainable from the markets that are approved from FDA.

Minoxidil commercially known as Rogaine is one of these medicines that got approval from FDA for treating male pattern baldness. This medicine is available in form of an ointment and solution that is needed to be applied on the scalp. To achieve best results it is recommended that the solution must applied twice a day. This help in preventing further hair loss and hair restoration on the scalp. Another medicine is Finasteride that is marketed as Propecia is also helpful in treating male pattern baldness. This medicine is taken in form of a one milligram pill per day. It helps in treating the hair loss by balancing the level of DHT hormones in the body that cause hair fall in men. Some selective cases after hair transplant in Pakistan these medicines are also recommended. After a specific period of their usage, baldness can be treated effectively and good results can be seen. One of the main disadvantages of both medicines is that when the patient discontinued the use, he initially gets the same symptoms of baldness that he got before treatment. Not only the hairs start falling again, but patients also lose the hair that he got through the use of medicines.

Surgical hair restoration treatments are there to provide help to the patients who need male pattern baldness treatment. In hair transplant procedure, hair follicles are used to restore hairs back permanently. Hair follicles are harvested from the donor area of the scalp and after dissection it is transplanted to that area which is affected though male pattern baldness. The most important benefit of this method is that hair restoration is for whole life and transplanted hair follicles cannot be affected by any genetic or hereditary disorder.

Many options are available for Male Pattern Baldness Treatment, but the important is that to go to a dermatologist when a man is noticing an unusual hair fall. Those on early stages of baldness can get for medicinal treatment, but at the last stages no other option is left except surgery.

Cost of hair transplantation surgery in Pakistan

Hair transplant surgeries are the most effective and permanent solution to overcome the hair loss and hair fall. These surgeries are performed by experience surgeons who transplant hair follicles from the donor area to the recipient area of the scalp. As compared to other hair loss and baldness treatments, it is the less expensive treatment available these days. Two different methods are obtainable; follicular unit transplants and follicular unit extraction. Non surgical treatments only cost few dollars per month, but if their cost is compared with surgical cost in the long run, they are more expensive than transplant. In this busiest century, people usually spend money once on the transplant surgery to save their time.

Cost of hair transplant surgery in Pakistan is dependent upon the various factors. The most important is the experience and specialization of the surgeon from whom you are planning to obtain surgical treatment. A very few surgeons are available in the word that are expert in air transplant surgeries. This is the reason why these surgeries are expensive than other treatments. If a surgeon has years of experience in a notable hospital and he also obtained his medical degree from a recognized institutes, it is obvious that he will charge more fees. Expert surgeons usually guarantee accurate treatment with good results. An inexpert and unskilled surgeon charge fewer fees, but he cannot provide the same result as an expert surgeon can give in the end. Another factor contributing to the costs of surgery is the clinic that you have selected for transplant surgery. If the clinic is a part of a chain of some internat0nal recognized hair clinic, than it will be expensive. The clinics that are located in commercial and elite areas of the city usually charge more cost for providing transplant treatment. Patients who want to get a surgical treatment on a low costs should visit such clinics that give a good result, but are located in an inexpensive and remote area of the city.

The third most important factor is the method of treatment that a patient select or that is recommended by the doctor. Among the two methods of transplant, traditional strip surgical treatment or follicular unit transplant is the least expensive. In this method up to five thousand hair follicles can be extracted in one session and transplanted into the hairless portion of the scalp. The second method known as follicular unit extraction involves the extraction of hair follicles once at a time. This method needs attention of surgeon and only six hundred follicles can be removed in one session. This method does not give linear scarring after the surgery. This is the most expensive method of hair transplant available worldwide.

In United States, average cost of hair surgery using FUT method ranges from eight thousand dollars to fifteen thousand dollars. FUE surgery costs as twice as FUT. Average cost of FUE in the United sates ranges from fifteen thousand dollars to thirty thousand dollars. There are some clinics that charge according to the number of grafts needed by patients. Hair transplant cost in Pakistan 70% less as compared to developed countries.

It is advised to go for an experienced surgeon despite the Cost of Hair Transplantation Surgery because you need to go through this surgery once in your life. Any side-effects or poor results can result in transplant failure that can waste your all money.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Hair replacement transplant in Pakistan

There are many treatments that are used by patients suffering from partial hair loss and permanent baldness. They want to restore their hairs back on the scalp within a short time period. From centuries, baldness is considered a curse for a man or women. Many home remedies and various herbal treatments are used to prevent hair fall or baldness. Latest medical technology has also discovered some medicines that can give the hairs back. But usually these all treatments need a long time to show their results. Hair replacement is a new procedure invented by medical experts. It is also known as hair transplantation. This method gives the permanent and everlasting treatment of hair loss problems. In this surgical treatment, hair follicles are being used to provide hair loss solutions to the patients. Hair follicle is a unit that contains one to four hairs. These follicles are obtained from the healthy hair portion of the scalp and transplanted to the bald or hairless areas.

When it comes to the history, we can find that this surgical hair replacement treatment was invented in Japan. In late 1930s, a Japanese dermatologist discovered the treatment when he transplanted the eyebrow hair of one of his patients. Unfortunately due to hazards and affects of world war two, no significant work could be done on this revolution for more twenty years. In 1950s, an American dermatologist again studied the field of transplantation. He was the first surgeon in history who successfully transplanted and replaced scalp hairs of his patient. This patient was suffering from androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. So initially the treatment was associated with the people who are suffering from genetic hair fall conditions. At that time implanted hairs looked very unnatural that people did not like this discovery. They preferred hair re growth medicines over these surgeries. Medical experts took more thirty years to invent small grafts. In 1970s, they were successful in getting micro grafts to perform follicular unit transplant. The treatment started getting worldwide recognition. With invention of follicular unit extraction, it becomes the priority of the bald and hairless patients to get a surgical replacement for their bald scalp.Fue hair transplant in Pakistan is successfully carried by hair restoration surgeons

In the actual procedure, local anesthesia is given to the patients before the surgery. This anesthesia can last for up to seven hours. After that surgeon start cutting hairs from the back of the scalp, if patient is going for traditional strip surgical treatment. A thin strip is used to remove a flesh of scalp from the donor area. After the extraction, wounds in donor area are stitched or stapled by the surgeon. On the other side, hair follicles are being extracted from the strip of flesh by placing it under a microscope. When these follicles are separated from each other and surrounding tissues, surgeon creates recipient sites in the hairless regions of the scalp. A needle like device is used to make small cuts on the recipient areas. Harvested follicles are later transplanted into these holes where they re grow into healthy hairs. If the patient is going for newer method of hair transplantation, surgeon obtains hair follicles from the scalp one at a time. A punch like instruments is used to separate each follicle from its nearby tissues. Once they get separated, they are pulled out by the surgeon. Creation of recipient sites follows the same procedure as in traditional method. No linear wound or scalp is there on the scalp. Tiny white scare remains on donor area for the lifetime of the patient. Patients are advised to follow many pre and post operative conditions that are advised by the surgeon if they want to get healthy hairs.

There are many side-effects that can occur after Hair Replacement. These include itchiness, redness, swelling, infection, pain and discomfort. Patients should take care of their scalp after the treatment. Price of the procedure is another major deciding factor; however hair transplant cost in Pakistan easily affordable.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Hair transplant in Pakistan price

The only solution to get rid of hair loss and hair thinning is hair transplant. This is surgical procedure in which patient is given local anesthesia before the treatment. This treatment is available worldwide. This treatment is getting popularity because in this busy century, no one has time to go for non surgical solutions. You can get this surgery in anywhere in Pakistan. People there also prefer surgical treatments over medicines because non surgical treatments need a very long time to show their results. These surgeries are costly, but they are the only treatment that can restore hairs back permanently. This treatment has gain attention of Pakistanis because of its long term benefits.

To estimate the cost incurred on hair transplant in Pakistan, you should find a graft calculator. This calculator helps you to find an estimate price only by using internet. You can find these calculators from various hair loss forums and websites. The price is also dependant upon the density of hairs required in bald areas of the scalp. If patients want to get the correct estimate cost, they should visit a hair loss surgeon for this purpose. He can give them an accurate cost required for desired thickness. Usually the hair loss clinics charge for every graft needed during the procedure. In some clinics, they charge a fixed amount of fees from every patient despite of the severity of hair loss problems.

Cost of treatment in Pakistan varies from one city to another city and from one clinic to another clinic. In big cities, where many clinics are located, you can get treatment on a reasonable cost. Renowned clinic charge more fees from the patients than other clinics. Average rate of the treatment is less than that offered in developed countries. According to various studies, costs of hair restoration surgeries are going down day by day in the country. The reason is that the competition in hair loss industry is increasing. Patients are visiting those clinics where treatments are obtainable on a very low cost. These surgeries start from seventy thousand Pakistan Rupees and they can reach up to one million Pakistani Rupees.

There are many factors that are affecting the price of hair restoration surgeries in the country. The most important is the education and experience of the relevant surgeon. The next is the method that is used for the surgical procedure. Basically there are two methods of hair restoration through a surgical way. One is known as follicular unit transplant. This is the traditional method and in this method hair follicles are harvested from the scalp in form of a strip. One graft of FUT graft needs forty to eighty Pakistani Rupees. In the other method that is known as follicular unit extraction and that is the newer method of implant, hair follicles are harvested from scalp one by one. This method takes much time of a surgeon. It is considered an expensive method of treatment in the country. It costs as twice as the traditional method. It needs from eighty to one hundred and thirty five Pakistani rupees to get a single FUE graft.

The price of hair restoration surgeries is less in developed countries like Pakistan. It attracts hundred of tourists annually to visit the country for the treatment. People from all around the globe are travelling here top get a better treatment on low cost. In their country, it is much expensive and not affordable. It is a fact that they can get treatment on half price in this country, but the results are as same as they can get in their homeland.

Despite Hair Transplant in Pakistan Price, it is advised that patients should check the before and after treatment photos of the patients that got treatment in relevant clinic.